4. Conversations at Midnight

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AN: I'm adding some parts not included in the book/movies, but I feel like I should develop Farryn and her relationship with the characters more before going into the more heavy scenes xDD

The sun was resting low on the horizon, and my home was far behind me now. Aragorn remained somewhat upbeat, and kept insisting that we had made good time, but Gandalf didn't seem to agree. I noticed him on many occasions casting worrisome glances skyward.

"Stop!" Someone called, barely audible over the winds. "We would best make camp here. There are no more trees for ages to come." I distinguished the voice as Boromir's.

Gandalf must have given the ok, because soon the party began making it's way to the small clump of forest just ahead of us, some moving slower than others. And by some ofcourse, I meant the hobbits. Sam maintained a slow and steady pace forward, but the others were visibly stumbling after Gandalf.

"Are you ok?" I asked Pippin quietly, coming up beside him.

He nodded, and pulled the collar of his tiny coat higher to protect his cheeks. "We're almost there, don't worry."

Soon the thin layer of snow beneath my boots changed into dirt, and when I looked up, I realised that we had reached the little onclave. Pippin sighed in relief beside me, and I gave him a slight smile.

I set my meager amount of belongings down on the ground, near where Boromir and Aragorn had already placed theirs.

"We cannot stay long," Gandalf warned. "Only for the night. We cannot risk being found." I shivered at his words. I still did not completely understand what it was exactly that we were running from, and no one had cared to explain it to me.

"Aragorn," I called. When he looked up, I continued. "Shall I find us some dinner?"

He was about to answer when a calm voice interrupted. "That is usually my job, Farryn." I turned to see Legolas beside me. "Maybe you can help with the fire instead." My back stiffened at the comment. Did he not think me capable of simply finding a meal?

My concerns didn't stop him from slipping into the woods however, and I was left with the task of preparing the fire. Aragorn gave me an apologetic smile. "I'm sure you could have found us something just fine."

"Thanks," I said softly. I turned around and began to walk towards the surrounding forest in search of proper firewood. The forest floor was littered with dead twigs, all too small to be of any use.

Then, I heard the distinctive sound of crackling leaves behind me.

"Who's there?" I asked, spinning around to meet whoever had broken the silence.

"Be calm, Lady Farryn. It's just me."

I slowly lowered my bow as Legolas stepped more into what little light was cast by the moon. "I'm having a hard time catching much of anything with the racket you're making." His words stung, I am considered one of my village's most stealthy hunters back at home.

"You're not so great youself," I muttered, bending down to grasp more branches. But when I turned around, it appeared as though I was the last thing on Legolas' mind as he stared out into the surrounding brush. I had just opened my mouth to speak when he took of silently, after some creature.

Back at camp, I was greeted by a grinning Merry as soon as I had tossed down our firewood.

"Excellent! It's about time we had a proper fire, don't you think Pippin?" He glanced at his friend in anticipation, and Pippin nodded eagerly in reply. They were so cute, I almost laughed.

"Better get that started then, shall we?"

The hobbits sighed in bliss after Boromir had lit the fire. As I looked at them, I realised just how truly unsuited for this lifestyle they were. Another thought hit me, and I scolded myself for not thinking of it sooner.

They were hobbits. What on Earth could have possibly caused them to leave The Shire? I had been traveling with this company for quite some time now, and I still had no idea where we were going, or why for that matter.

Maybe, I'm stubborn, but I think I should be allowed to know by now.


Legolas wouldn't tell me, for sure. I don't know what his deal was, but he seemed bent on disliking me for some reason. Frodo wouldn't either. Even though we had bonded more then some of my other traveling companions, I could sense that he still didn't completely trust me yet. Sam wouldn't do anything that Frodo wouldn't, which ruled him out. I'm not sure I could trust Pippin or Merry to give me a straight answer, either. Gimli wouldn't reveal anything because he was just plain stubborn, like me.

That left me between the two men, and Gandalf.

I resolved to observe them for the rest of the night, and ask one of them in the morning.

It wasn't that long until Gandalf called for the fire to be put out. He was the most cautious in our company, for sure. I could tell that it irritated some people at times, but I, for one, was happy for it. As skilled as I am, I lack a sense of good reason, and often come across as impulsive and hot-headed. Both of which, are true.

With our fire out, everyone quickly went to rest, except Legolas. I tried to, I really did, some dreams would have done me well tonight, but sleep never came. As I rolled onto my side, something sharp pricked my waist. I whimpered quietly, but in the silence, it sounded like a scream.

"Are you alright," came a low voice from in front of me.

I still couldn't make out who it was, and my mind was whirring with the different possibilities, trying to connect a name to the voice. "Yea," I breathed.

"Having trouble sleeping?" The pieces fell into place, Aragorn.

"You could say that." I murmered.

"Why bother sleeping? He doesn't."

I knew that by he, Aragorn was referring to Legolas. He was completely right, I didn't need to sleep. Not all the time at least, every now and then does me some good though. But lately, I've taken to resting nightly. I'm not sure why, but I'm just always so tired.

"It's unnatural you know. Perhaps you are sick?" A soft, leathery voice spoke up behind me. I didn't have to turn to know who it was.

"Come, sit beside us Legolas, so that we may carry a proper conversation." Aragorn invited.

"Proper conversation my arse!" An agitated voice came from the other side of the clearing. "I'm trying to sleep over here Ranger, and your whispering can be heard clear as day here! Now make like a nice lad and be quiet!"

I stiffled a giggle and burried my head into my makeshift pillow to keep from laughing. Beside me, I could hear Aragorn chuckle, before lying back down. There was no doubt in my mind that it was Gimli who had called us out.

I didn't sleep that night, nor did I dream. But the smile never left my face.

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