Chapter 19

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It took a bit of set up before Sam was seated and they were ready for whatever idea Sam had in his head. Marina couldn't help but giggle as she watched Sam move his chair from the other side of the table to her side, and how he brought over a covered plate. She anxiously took one of his hands in hers.

"My idea is a bit silly, but I wanted to do a blind taste test game for each little thing in this dessert I made just for you." Marina nodded her head eagerly as she handed her linen napkin to Sam, and he darkly chuckled as he covered her eyes, tying the napkin behind her head, and tucked the straggling corner above her head. Marina felt a thrill up her spine when she felt Sam's large hand on her hand, and as it slowly ran up her arm to her shoulder, all the way to cup her cheek.

"I will present three different aspects to you, and I want you to guess what it is. How does that sound?" Sam teased. Marina simply smiled in return.

"I'm ready. Hit me with your best shot, Sam." Marina could hear Sam uncover the plate, and the soft scraping sound of a spoon as it attempted to gather food. Relying on her senses, Marina opened her mouth as she felt the spoon enter her mouth. Marina closed her mouth as she was greeted with the sweet and sensational taste of caramel. She couldn't help herself from licking her lips in a silly manner as the spoon retreated.

"My favorite sweet sauce. Caramel sauce." Marina could feel the pride radiating off from Sam in how he reveled in this newly acquired knowledge.

"I'll need to figure out his favorite sweets." Marina noted to herself as she heard the sound of a spoon combing itself into the food, followed by a small tap onto the plate.

"Here is number two." It was the same thing, only this time Marina was a bit surprised by the gelatinous-like consistency, the spongy texture. Sweet, vanilla, a taste of almond. There was one dessert that came to mind, and she knew it was no ordinary pudding.

"Is that custard?" Marina was greeted by the music of Sam's deep chuckle.

"Yes, this almond flan was my mother's recipe. It was how she impressed my dad on the first date." Marina couldn't help but giggle.

"Sentimental. A gift from the heart is worth more than anything." She giggled. It was then she heard the scraping sound of the spoon, getting herself ready for the last sample.

Samuel didn't know if this was cheesy or not, but given that he was able to share his heart with Marina, and that she wanted to play this game with him threw all doubt out the window.

"Felix was always the better flirt, but this time it's my turn to express my love my way. Not Felix's way, not anyone's way but mine." Sam affirmed to himself as he quietly set the spoon down, and turned his head toward the blindfolded woman sitting next to him. He quietly let loose an apprehensive breath, and smiled as he leaned in. It was a soft kiss, planting his lips onto hers, but it slowly grew hungrier as he cupped her other cheek with Marina finding purchase on his chest. He could feel the giggles vibrating from Marina as she pressed closer to him. Sam pulled away as he removed Marina's blindfold, and upon letting the soft glow of candlelight return to her face it showed how deep her blush was.

"That was my wonderful, and very handsome, boyfriend, the love of my life: Samuel Ortez." Marina guessed confidently as she tapped his nose. Sam smirked as he leaned in, touching his forehead with hers.

"I love you, Marina." He felt her hands cup his cheeks in return, her thumb stroking his high cheekbones.

"I love you, Sam."


With the soft sound of viola and piano coming from a small speaker in the living room, Sam found himself swaying with Marina in a dance only true lovers would ever know. He didn't know how it got to this point from finishing their dessert to sitting in her small living area chatting, only to bring up more of Marina's past. Sam then bluntly asked her if she's ever been danced with, and it started with goofy dancing between them only for it to calm into their lover's dance as if they just got married. Their hands interlocked, with each other's free hand either on his shoulder or her hips.

It was magical to see her brighten up for him, because of him. Her brown eyes danced with joy alongside them, Sam could feel his heart jumping higher to the point he wondered if it would jump out of him.


"Yes Sam?" Sam sighed reverently as he moved Marina's hand to his other shoulder as his free hand went to stroke his knuckle against her flushed cheek.

"You are the best thing to ever happen in my life. You were a medicine I never knew you were needed, and now you are the one person in my life who brings me such joy. You showed me compassion, mercy, when I didn't think I deserved it. You supported me no matter how many times I pushed you away or how I treated you. I never thought I'd learn what love is in my life until you taught me, and I'm grateful God brought me here to you," he leaned in to peck her lips, but then his lips hovered over hers. "I... you make me want so much in life as long as I am with you. I need you, Marina, and I hope that one day I'll earn your heart and your hand by God's will." Marina responded by pressing into his lips for another kiss, then resting her head on his chest, feeling his heart's true beat.

"There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love. I never thought I'd learn to love again, or what love really is, until God introduced you into my life. You are strong, and I'm honored that you say I uplifted you. You have been through so much, but you never stopped. I'm grateful you are here with me, and I need you. I want you with me, Sam, and together we can take on whatever the galaxy wants to throw at us." Sam kissed the top of her head, suddenly musing at a terribly dark joke.

"Even if it's the Flood or the Covenant?"

"Nothing can ever tear us apart." The two then gazed longingly into each other's eyes, a lone candle now flickering between the two of them. There was a silent acknowledgement between the two; from Sam wanting to show her how much he loved her, even if it took him all night, to respecting her wishes, and him being more than happy to do so because when he wanted to take her, he wanted them to already be bound before coming together as one. Their kiss confirmed everything, just as the light had receded when the candle went out.

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