Why does she?

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Isabella's POV
I woke up in a not familiar floor, then i remembered i got kidnapped
I grunted and sat up

"Oh your finally up" billie said while typing on her computer

"You couldn't take me to a bed?" I ask annoyed and stood up and cracked my back and neck

"You want me to take you to one?" She asked smirking, i just looked at her with my famous 'are you dumb face' "fix your face, and i left you on the floor cus you looked comfortable" she said typing back on her computer

"Whatever" i said opening the door

"Where are you going?" She said sternly shutting her computer off and standing up walking towards me

"Im going to take a shower" i said walking away but quickly get pulled back and pinned to the wall "ooh, i got daddy mad" i say seductivly while billie just shakes her head smiling

"No, you just dont have any clothes" she says millimetres away from my lips "want some of this?" She asked referring to her pink beautiful lips, i quickly shook my head in a yes   "Well, i just met you and i dont know if you have blisters" she says letting me go making me grunt

"I dont" i say and she glares at me "but i dont have any clothes either, so give me clothes" i say making her chuckle

"I brought all your stuff here" she says re-opening the door

"Why?" I ask stepping out with her besides me

"Cus your staying here forever" she says making a right turn to a long hallway "and this is your room" she says opening the doors

"Woah" i say impressed "but why do you want me to stay forever?" I ask stepping in

"Cus, i like you, your chill" she says stepping in to, we just stand there in a comfortable silence
Its crazy how you fall for someone you just met a day ago

she cleared her throat "go shower and come to the kitchen" she says walking out and i nod
leaving me alone in this castle looking like house just look at my room and bathroom

she cleared her throat "go shower and come to the kitchen" she says walking out and i nodleaving me alone in this castle looking like house just look at my room and bathroom

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I quickly showered and dressed into this

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I quickly showered and dressed into this

Lets just say, i looked stunning like the extra bitch i amI went to the kitchen and saw everybody around billie talking about something, there were around 30-50 people idk, im too lazy to count I went and grabbed and apple and opened the fridge an...

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Lets just say, i looked stunning like the extra bitch i am
I went to the kitchen and saw everybody around billie talking about something, there were around 30-50 people idk, im too lazy to count
I went and grabbed and apple and opened the fridge and looked for the orange juice
I couldn't fine it so i yelled "AYE IS THERE ANY ORANGE JUICE?" Everyone turned my way and billie just smirked at me
"Answer my question morons" i told them rolling my eyes

"Who does this bitch think she is?" This one girl that looked crustier than a foot

"Isabella, and you crusty ass hoe?" I asked in the same bitchy tone she had

"Billie your gonna let her talk to us like that?" She asked putting her hand on billie's shoulder and billie quickly shook it off

"Who do you think you are calling me billie?" Billie asked her

"Sorry mam" the blonde hoe said

"Is anybody going to answer my question, or should i just make yall answer?" I asked leaning on the fridge door

"We dont have orange juice" billie said leaning on the kitchen island

I took another bite of my apple and answered "than go buy some" when i said that everyone's eyes widened except for billie's "tomorrow there should better be orange juice" i stated grabbing some oranges and squeezing them with the orange juice machine thnigy and made my own orange juice "que me ven?!" (Why are yall looking at me) I yelled finishing my apple and everyone pulled their guns out "weak asses" i said and continued making my juice

"You're gonna let her talk to you like that?" The same crusty ass girl said
And billie grunted and turned to me, i still kept squeezing my oranges

"Isabella" billie said, i humed in response "meet me in my office"

"After i make my juice" i responded and that same crusty girl spoke

"She gave you an order so follow it" at this point i put my orange that i was squeezing down and gave all my attention to  the gang standing infront of me

"Yes billie, I'll go to your office" i say making everyone gasp, while me and billie smirked, i grabbed the orange i was squeezing and the juice that came out, i sucked the orange dry and threw it away and drank my juice
I followed billie with my juice in hand and when we made it to her office we bursted out in laughter

When we calmed down she spoke "really? That's your first impression?"

"What? You want me to be soft?" I say and she sakes her head yes "nah bitch, im bold" i say and we continue laughing
We sit down on the chairs and i speak again "so who's the blonde?" I take another sip of my juice

"That was Ava" she says scratching her neck

"Is she like the house slut?" I ask downing the rest of the juice

"Yea" she says casually and i nod in response "i want to see your skills"

"My skills?" I ask

"Yea, your skills" she repeats

"Like my skills in bed?" I ask seductivly

She looks at me in a look that says yes but she says "no, your training skills"

"Oh" i said trying to sound sad but then erupted in laughter with her laughing too "okay, when do i start?" I manage to get out

"Today" she says standing up with me bye her tail but before we make it to the door she quickly turns around and kisses me on the cheek "good luck mamas" she whispers before leaving and i stand there blushing like crazy, what is this girl doing to me?

I guess i might be a part of the gang, cool, maybe not just a gang member for billie, maybe more

Second chapter
I would put quotes at the end but i know ima forget to put them after like 4 chapters so yea

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