Lets go to the beach

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I woke up to somebody stroking my hair and immediately smiled knowing that it was billie

"Good morning beautiful" she said smiling at me

I fluttered my eyes opened only to see my beautiful girlfriends' face glow with the sun coming from the curtains "good morning love" i said making her kiss me softly

"What do you wanna do today?" She asked continuing to stroke my hair

"Can we go to the beach?" I asked getting excited which caused her to chuckle

"Anything for you mamas" she said kissing my nose

"Ima go drink some juice" i said getting out of the bed and grabbing some shorts and a hoodie from billie, she just looked at me while i got changed which i didn't mind at all, i actually enjoyed it "I'll be back love" i said leaving the room and going to the kitchen

When i walked in i saw a smirking claudia and scarlett sitting on the kitchen stools "good morning weirdos" i said grabbing some oranges

"Good morning daddy" claudia said causing me to shoot my head up at her "mmh, daddy, faster, faster" she mocked me making me and scarlett laugh "you thought you were quiet huh?" She asked earning a nod from me while i continued doing my juice

"Who's the lucky person?" Scarlett asked making me realise i haven't told her

I looked at claudia not knowing what to say, she just nodded telling me it was okay to tell her "billie" i whispered

She widened her eyes "no way?" She asked still shocked

"What no way?" A voice asked from the corner revealing addison

"Uh, nothing" scarlett said scratching her neck

"Well, anyways, is there any breakfast, i wanna impress billie so she likes me" she said making me, claudia, and scarlett laugh "what?" She asked hurt

"Honey, billie already has someone" claudia said making her say 'oh'

"Doesn't hurt to try" she said smirking, who does this bitch think she is

"Any who, Ima make my family's special breakfast if you still wan some" i said making her look up at me

"Sure what is it?" She asked sitting on another stool

"Chilaquiles" i said already drooling over them

"Yum, is it like an italian dish?" She asked

"You uncultured bitch" Scarlett spoke "its mexican dumbass" she said making claudia and i laugh

"Before i start, i need to check on angelo" i said walking away
Before i made it to my room i went into billie's room finding her already dressed and putting on some jewellery "babe, do you want some chilaquiles?" I asked closing the door

"Of course baby" she said kissing me softly on the lips

"Okay, can you get angelo ready while i make them tho? I want breakfast to be ready by when he comes" i ask giving my best puppy dog eyes

"Anything for you princess" she said pulling me in by my waist and staretd kissing me passionately

"Okay, stop, im trying to feed people" i said pushing her away softly while laughing

"Im sorry i can't keep my lips away from my girlfriend" she said making me smile at the thought of me being her girlfriend

"You're one heck of a girl" i said walking out and into the kitchen again

"Okay, let's start" i said clapping

"Wait, is that billie's?" Addison asked pointing to my hoodie and shorts

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