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Long ass chapter
Im ready to beat the fuck out of billie
Well, not literally but you get the point
I got to the location which was an old abandoned tall ass building
"First get the kids then deal with billie" i said to myself while putting my hair in a ponytail
I grabbed a pistol, i know i said i don't like to play with fire but these are my kids we're talking about, and then i got out of the car
I walked into the first floor and just heard guns going off and alot of grunts with people getting killed

"Stop please don't do it" i heard a guy say from a distance
I walked closer to where the noise was coming from and hid behind a wall and peaked my head out just enough for me to see but no one to see me
"Please, i have 3 daughters and a wife, this was the only job i could do to keep them alive" he started crying
I felt bad for him

"Well you should've thought of the consequences" i heard a very familiar voice speak, i peeked out a little more only to see billie pointing a gun to the man, but that's not the worst part, the worst part is that the kids are right next to her both looking...normal? Huh, thats weird "Goodnight" was the last thing she said before i got knocked out
I felt the bright light blind my eyes so i quickly tried to cover them with my hands only to feel that i cant move them "fucking great" i muttered to myself feeling my hands tied up behind my back and im sitting on a chair

"Good morning princess" i heard a low voice say, i quickly shot my head up and was met with the man that was in the ice cream shop
What was his name again?
Yea chris rowe

"Were am i?" I asked calmly and he looked taken back by my calmness

"Well you're in my base, i saw you snooping around in one of my missions then i remembered you, and let me tell you, you got me for a second, i really thought your name was mariana" he said walking closer to me and leaning down to eye level "isabella" he whispered and slapped me hard in the face, i looked down and felt tears start to from, how am i feeling pain? "Rule number one, don't lie to me" he slapped me again and i was on the verge of tears "rule number two, don't talk back" he slapped me one more time and i felt a tear role down "and rule number three, its more of a fact, i know everything about you so you can't hide anything from me"

"How?" it barely came out as a whisper

"How what?" He asked walking over to a table

"How can i feel this?" I asked while more tears fell

"Remember dr. Rowe?" He asked looking at me while i nodded "im his son, he told me everything i need to know about you, he told me what makes you feel pain, and he told me what can kill you" i looked at him in disbelief "but he also told me how i can take that back" i furrowed my brows in confusion "i can kill you right now without you know what"

"B-but that doesn't make sense" i still looked at him confused

"Yes it does, look at this little thing" he said pointing to a needle "i just need to inject this into you and you'll go back to normal" im still taken back from this information "but i wont do that, i wanna see you suffer" he threw the needle and stepped on it and it shattered

"No! Please no! I'll do anything just give me that injection" i said with pleading eyes

"SHUT UP!" He said while he slapped my face really hard i tasted some blood, damn would i really be that weak "when i come back you better not be crying, or I'll kill you and the baby" he threatens and i quickly shut up

Billie's POV
Im parking in the garage and i see that claudia's car isn't here, weird
I unbuckled the kids and lead them inside
"Where's isabella?!" Claudia asked frantically

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