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I woke up like usual except billie was facing the other way so we were back to back, we didn't fight we just moved around in our sleep, i had a huge headache and i was in a  bad mood, i stood up and made my way to the bathroom getting a little dizzy, i washed my face, teeth and put on some clothes

And me being the extra bitch i am, i wore thisI got out of the bathroom and found billie still sleeping, it was around 9:30 and she said that she had a meeting at 11 so ima wake her up now cus its fun"Billie" I whispered in her ear shaking her a l...

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And me being the extra bitch i am, i wore this
I got out of the bathroom and found billie still sleeping, it was around 9:30 and she said that she had a meeting at 11 so ima wake her up now cus its fun
"Billie" I whispered in her ear shaking her a little bit "billie" i said a little louder shaking her more earning a 'hmm' from her "wake up" she didn't hesitate so me being the fucking tease i am, i rolled her onto her back and straddled her, she didn't do anything or move so i started grinding my crotch against her dick "billie wake up" i said in a normal volume

"Go faster and I'll wake up" she said in her sexy morning voice making me laugh and start going faster, i mean i was kinda horny but not to fuck, just to dry hump yknow?
I got tired so i stopped making her open her eyes "why'd you stop?" She asked with a fake pout "i liked it"

"Cus you need to get up and i got tired" i said making her roll her eyes "don't fucking roll your eyes at me" i snapped making her furrow her brows

"What'd you say?" She asked sitting up with me still on her lap

"I said don't roll your eyes at me, hoe" i repeated myself making her smirk "what?" I said now in my regular mood

"You bipolar bitch" she muttered making me feel sad and my eyes start to water "what happened?"

"You called me a bitch" i said now crying, she sighed and pulled me in for a hug while i cried into her chest

"You're not a bitch, i was just kidding" she said while caressing my hair "how can i make it up to you?"
I sat up and looked at her wiping my tears away

"Get up and get ready" i answered sniffling a little

"If thats what you want" she said lifting me off of her and kissing my forehead "but you have to go get angelo and eat breakfast" i nodded in response while she walked in the bathroom
Damn why am i so hormonal today
I walked over to angelo's room and found him sleeping
I walked over to his bed and sat next to his little body but not sitting on it, i started brushing his hair out of his face while admiring his every feature

"Bub wake up" i whispered softly and he fluttered his eyes open and then closed them "angelo wake up" i chuckled a little and now he finally opened his eyes completely and smiled at me making me smile

"Hi mama" he said stretching his arms "what's for breakfast?" He sat up and i smiled at him

"What do you want?" I asked standing up and walking over to his closet grabbing some dark blue sweat shorts (if you dont know what im talking abt search it up) a green dinosaur t-shirt and a dark blue matching sweater

"Can i have cake?" He asked excitedly and i gave him a stern look making him laugh "fine, can i have some jelly toast?"

"Sure" i said picking him up and taking him to the bathroom
I brushed his teeth, comed his crazy curly hair, got him dressed, and finally i put on some socks and some sneakers
"Done" i said kissing his cheek and letting him run off "dont go to far" i walked over to the kitchen and started making some jelly toast for him and hailey and some enchiladas for the rest of us "kids come have breakfast" i yelled and they ran in with half of the gang behind them "i said kids not- whatever" i mumbled the last part
Everyone sat down and i placed their plates in front of them

"Isabella me puedes dar una tasa de cafe por favor" (isabella can you give me a cup of coffee please) isabella asked kindly

"Tu tienes piernas y tienes brazos" (you have legs and you have arms) i spat back and she looked at me confused

"Don't mind her, she's in a bad mood" billie said walking in and sitting next to zoe "what is this?"

"Enchiladas" i blankly replied placing a plate in front of her and grabbing a plate for me and placing it down, i went and grabbed some orange juice for me and hailey and some apple juice for angelo then sat down

"Why are in a bad mood?" Larray, one of the gang members aka my gay bestfriend, asked

"I am not" i said scoffing "im just tired"  i mean i am tired

"Suree, anyways ima need your help" he said while i ate some food taking a quick look at hunter finding him already looking at me with disgust written all over his face

"What's wrong?" I asked trying to ignore hunter's stare

"There's this thing on the ceiling or walls but i dont know what it is" he said making me nod, hunter kept staring at me intensely and i couldn't take it anymore

"DO I HAVE SOMETHING ON MY FUCKING FACE!" I yelled making everyone stop eating and look at me

"N-no" hunter stuttered

"Then why are you looking at me?!" I spat harshly

"Calm down" billie said with pleading eyes and i just huffed and stood up then left the room
I was walking around not really knowing where to go then stopped when i saw something shiny coming from the air vent in the ceiling, i grabbed my phone and tried to shine it over it

"Q come here" i whispered yelled to him when i saw him walking by

"What's wrong?" He asked and i pointed to the air vent "what's that?"

"I dont know" i said putting my phone in my back pocket and tying my hair in a ponytail "give me a lift" he tangled his hands together and i placed my foot on them, i stood up and he lifted me up, i pulled the gate thingy off and grabbed my phone shining it around, i found a key, a note, a necklace and a gun
I pulled all of them out, put the gate back on and jumped off Q's hands with the stuff

"What did you find?" He asked and i showed him the stuff "what does the note say?"

"Let's see" i opened the note and read it

Querida isabella,
Espero que estes segura y billie también, talves nunca sabras quien soy pero quiero que sepas que te amo y espero verte algun dia
Con mucho amor,
Josefina Gutierrez
(Dear isabella,
I hope you're safe and billie too, maybe you'll never know who i am but i want you to know that i love you and i hope to see you someday
With love,
Josefina Gutierrez)

"What? This doesn't make sense, wh-when did they write this" i mumbled to myself looking for a date, i turned it around and found it

"What does it say?" He asked while i read the note over and over again

"It doesn't say anything important, but there's a women named josefina gutierrez and she knows me and billie" i said looking at the necklace, i opened it and found a picture of a young women, she looked a lot like me, it had some words carved to it
Dos familias en guerra
(Two families in war)
"Umm i dont get it" i said looking at Q finding him confused as fuck, i looked at the gun and it had HT carved on it then finally i looked at the key, it only had the name esmeralda carved on it "who's esmeralda?" I asked making Q think for a minute

"That's the name of our rival gang" he answered shrugging

"Who's ht?" I asked looking at the gun

"Hunter" he answered in more of a questioning tone while i gave him the 4 objects

"Puta madre" i mumbled with wide eyes and started running to the kitchen were everyone was "BILLIE HUNTER IS IN-" i started yelling but stopped when i felt a stinging pain on my stomach, everyone looked at me shocked and i looked at my stomach finding it bleeding, i looked back and found hunter with a gun "he's in the other ga-" i could barely finish before i fainted

A/n kinda cliffhanger? Idrk lol

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