She's brave

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Isabella's POV
I went to my room to get changed into a sports bra and leggings, not gonna lie, this sports bra made my titties look HUGE, i hope billie notices, what the fuck? Why am i thinking that? Do i like her? Nah, she's just hot, right?
My thoughts got interrupted with a hard knock on the door, i went to open it and saw this beautiful girl with curly red hair and freckles with the most beautiful eyes

"Hello" she said happily "im scarlett, you?" She asked waiting for me to answer

"Im isabella" i said stepping outside with her by my side

"Were are you going?" She asked in a annoying tone, now dont get me wrong, she's beautiful but the bitch got a squirrel voice

"Somewhere, do you know where billie is?" I answered stopping to look at her eyes making her stop

"You mean miss o'conell?" She asked just getting a nod for a response "she might be in her office, if she's not there she's probably in the gym"

"Thanks" i said leaving her behind

I went up to her office and walked in only to be met with another girl cleaning billie's desk, this girl had dark hair and green eyes
"Damn, how many girls are in this house?" I muttered

"Huh?" The other girl said "oh, its you" she said going back to cleaning

"I thought you would have manners" i told her making her look at me

"Im sorry, hello my name is claudia how can i help you?" She asked nicely

"Hello claudia, and i was looking for billie" i told her leaning against the doorframe

"She's probably in the gym" she said going back to cleaning i was about to leave when she said "do you like her?" I stopped in my tracks

I mean i dont know "i don't know" i said shyly "why?" I asked regaining my confidence

"No reason" she responded nervously

"Claudia Sulewski?" I asked her and she nodded in response "i think we'll get along just fine" i told her smiling making her smile too
I walked out "okay now time to find the gym" i muttered to myself

I finally found it and walked in seeing billie alone punching the punching bags "damn, who got you this mad?" I asked walking in, she quickly shot her head at me and chuckled

"You" she responded going back to punching, and i felt sad with myself

"Why?" I asked going infront of her making her stop punching

"Im joking, but you're one reason why im mad" she said rubbing my arm, i nodded motioning her to tell me why "well, everyone wants you to get in the gang the way they got in, but i dont want you to get hurt" she said with pure sincerity in her voice

"I wont get hurt" i reassured her "plus, you haven't even seen my 'skills" i said making sure to say skills long

She lowly chuckled "then lets see them" she said quickly looking down at my boobs, good she noticed
I nodded and walked towards the section where the guns and knives where, i quickly grabbed a knife and asked her "were do i throw it?"

"The target over there" she said pointing to a target "why knives first tho?" She asked stepping besides me

"I studied the nerve points from the human body" i said looking at her "and i just dont like working with fire" its true, after the 'incident' i couldn't hold anything that had fire, although i could use them perfectly, i just wasn't ready

"Well you're gonna have to use guns" she said looking at me, i just nodded getting ready to throw the knife

I got in position and threw the knife and it landed on the center of the target and went through it, i looked at billie and she looked like her eyes were going to pop out "what?" I asked chuckling

"You-you ju-just" she stuttered

"I just threw the knife" i finished her sentence

"Hell yea you did, and not only did it landed on the center, but it went through it" she said picking me up and spinning me while i just giggled, the fuck? I never giggle, she set me down and looked me in my eyes and glanced quickly at my lips while i did the same but kept looking at her beautiful features "gun time" she said getting me out if my trance

"Yeay" i said trying to sound excited, she passed me a hand-gun and i cocked the gun and pulled the trigger and hit the dummy in the head, once i did that i shot again and it hit the dummy where the heart is supposed to be

"Damn" i heard billie whistle "you got the correct placement and everything" she said walking up to me and i put the gun down

"Yea, i didn't go to jail for nothing" i told her

"How old were you?" She asked grabbing the gun from me

"12"i answered looking down

"Why so young?" She asked putting the gun in her pocket

"I dont like to talk about it" after i said that the alarm went off "what is that?" I asked looking at billie, she looked annoyed

"Someone's in the house" after she said that someone appeared in the window and billie quickly threw herself on me causing us to fall she quickly grabbed the guns and stared shooting, i was just under her looking at her shoot the guy that was at the window, i couldn't really focus cus i felt this bulge on my crotch, maybe its just my imagination, but i definitely felt something there and there was nothing between us, she got up after the person was shot dead and pulled me up "grab a gun" she said making me look at her "or knives" after she said that i quickly grabbed knives

We went out of the gym only to find everybody fighting with other people, this guy was running towards me "not today satan" i said lowering my body to the floor making him trip on me, i quickly straddled him and popped his neck making him paralysed and stood up leaving him there, another guy grabbed me from behind and i started kicking, i regained balance and threw him over my should making him fall on top of the other guy coming my way, i threw a knife behind me without looking back making it stab someone in the head, i stabbed the guy i threw on the throat

I saw billie being choked so i quickly went and got the guy off her and straddled him and started punching him since i was out of knives, i cracked his neck making him die in an instant, there was no more intruders left i was pulled off the man by billie "there's one guys left" i told her wiping my hands on my pants "he's just paralysed"

"Why didn't you kill him?" She asked walking towards the paralysed man

"Look, i may not be in the gang,but i wanna help" i said and she looked at me confused "dont you want answers?" I asked and she did and ohh sounds
I grabbed the man cracked his neck back into place making him not paralysed anymore and stood him up grabbing him by his arms

"Put him in my office" she said, and i did as told

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