Its positive

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I woke up with billies hot breath on my neck and her arms wrapped around my waist, i turned me face so i could look at her and just admired her, she's so beautiful
I tried to get out of her grip without waking her up and i succeeded, i grabbed one of billie's shirts and walked over to the kitchen
I started making some vegan waffles with some cut up fruit and squeezed some orange juice for me, i also made some coffee for her
I placed everything down and right on que billie came in rubbing her eyes

"Good morning baby" i said walking up to her and wrapping my arms around her neck loosely and she smiled while pecking my lips

"Good morning princess" she said wrapping her arms around my waist and leaned her head on my shoulder "i don't want to go back" she whispered making me chuckle softly

"We have to" i said letting her go making her grunt "plus, you have to work" i lead her to sit  down on the chair, i gave her the plate and coffee and she smiled and gave me a quick peck "eat up" i said sitting down and started eating my food
We made it home and i was super excited to be back because i haven't been feeling well today, good thing im a good actress "okay babe, I'll be in my office if you need anything" finneas told claudia standing up from the couch we were currently sitting on, billie was on a mission with scarlett and half of the gang so that leaves me and claudia, of course if you don't count the other guys

"Claudia" i spoke nervously when finneas left

"Yes?" She asked sweetly

"Do you have a pregnancy test?" I said finally looking up at her, she widened her eyes and stood up and was about to squeal but i cut her off "do you?"

"Oh my god, yes! Come with me" she said pulling me to her room
"Okay, you know how it works right?" She asked handing me the test, i nodded my head and walked into her bathroom "I'll be right here if you need anything

I did what i was supposed to do wash my hands, and waited for the answer show up, i waited about 15 minutes, the longest 15 minutes of my life
I picked it up and saw the answer and i started crying, happy tears of course "oh my god" i breathed out

I stepped out of the bathroom and saw claudia waiting  "so?" She asked anxiously, i showed her the test and she quickly gave me a hug "you're pregnant?"she whispered more like yelled once we pulled away, i just nodded with tears running down my cheeks "are you going to keep it?"

"Of course i am, three kids, wow" i said imagining my future family "im so happy but, how am i going to tell billie?"

"I have an idea" she said going into the bathroom and grabbed a red jewellery box "here, put it inside and say something like i really appreciate what you did so i got you this and the bam! You're pregnant" she rambled jumping up and down

"Okay thanks" i said wiping my tears and laughing
Billie finally came home and yelled out "isabella?"

"Your room" i yelled back, i just can't wait to see her reaction "hey, how did the mission go?" I asked once she came in

"As planned" she replied blankly closing the door behind her "i missed you" she joined me in the bed and wrapped her arms around me and started peppering kisses on my neck

"Me too, oh and billie" she hummed in response "i got you something" she looked at me

"You didn't have to get me anything" she said sounding a little annoyed

"Trust me, you got it for yourself" i said chuckling making her furrow her brows in confusion, i sat up making her sit up too and i pulled out the box "before you open it i just want to say thank you and that i love you and that i hope we'll always be together" i breathed out

"We will" she said pressing her lips on mine, she deepened the kiss and grabbed my jaw, i laughed making us pull away

"Open it" i ordered it, she smiled and opened the box, she widened her eyes once she saw it "surprise"

She looked...mortified? She stood ip slowly and backed away leaving me in her room, i was actually surprised, i didn't know her reaction was going to be like that, i felt sad and angry at the same time so i started crying of course, a few minutes later billie came in again with the biggest smile on her face, i was still crying, when she saw me like that her smile quickly dropped and she ran towards me "hey no, its okay, im sorry i reacted like that, i was just shocked" she said wiping my tears with both hands "we're having a baby" she said smiling again, i just couldn't help but smile at her "and it's going to be ours" she pressed her lips on mine for a couple of second "im having a baby!" She exclaimed standing up and started to celebrate

I just laughed at her goofiness "stop billie, the kids are sleeping" i said still laughing, she just smiled at me and sat down next to me and grabbed my hands and looked into my eyes

"I love you" she said not breaking eye contact, i softly smiled and gave her a kiss full of love "now go rest, tomorrow we have a celebration" she said making me laugh and playfully hit her shoulder

I laid down and covered myself in the blankets and billie laid down wrapping her arms around me while a laid my head on her chest "i love you too" was the last thing i said before falling asleep

A/n 2 updates in one day weiners

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