In my arms again

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I woke up with xavier shaking me so i would wake up "we're here bitch" he said smiling making me shoot up

"Let's go" i said stepping out of the plane, it's still dark outside since our flight only took about 3 hours because of our advanced technology, by our i mean that i was an experiment and the 'doctors' decided i could get anything the 'scientist' made "find him and tell me were he is, im taking care of this myself" i said to the people that work for xavier and i

"Yes, mam" he said kinda scared

"Bitch let's go find that asshole" xavier yelled getting into the black lamborghini

"Wow, billie would die" i mumbled still looking at the car "okay where are we going?" I asked buckling in

"This house in the dark streets" he said going into a boulevard, we were going full speed cus nobody was here "here" he said when the car came to a stop "we're just waiting for the information that they are there so we don't scare innocent people" he said logging into a laptop"okay, he's in there, grab this and this" he said closing his laptop and giving me knives and a forget potion if anyone that shouldn't know this is there "don't think i forgot" he said when he noticed i was looking at the knives

"Wish me luck" i said stepping out of the car and entering the crushed house

"You don't need it" he yelled after me

I went in and saw a room with the tiniest hint of light, i heard quiet sobs that im guessing was my baby boy, i went in and saw a little girl that looked about the same age as angelo, a man was standing in the corner of her room and she was rubbing her face probably because the man hit her, he noticed me and lunged towards me, i quickly popped his neck making him die

I ran to the little girl and held her tight but not too tight to hurt her "are you okay?" I asked rubbing her back and she continued to sob in me chest

"He h-hit me very very bad" she cried louder

"Shh, shhh, everything will be alright" i told her and grabbed her face softly and saw that she had a huge bruise on her cheek and cut all over her face, but i also saw the prettiest blue eyes like billie's making me smile of the thought of her "im getting you out of here" i told her picking her up and taking her quickly to the car xavier was at "help her, i need to find him" i told him placing her on the passenger seat, he quickly nodded and took out the first aid kit, i went back into the house and saw another room, this one had more light and i heard screams of a man

I slowly walked towards it and opened the door slowly so they didn't notice, i saw the man from the store and my baby boy on the floor unconscious i quickly ran towards the man and stabbed him in the chest and throat, he fell to the floor with the littlest life in his eyes "don't mess with my family" i told him sternly and ran to angelo checking for his pulse, luckily he still had life, i picked him up bridal style and ran to the car once again "drive" i told xavier who was trying to cheer the little girl up

"Hey honey, what's your name?" I asked trying to get some information so i know that she might have a family

"Hailey Caron" she replied pretty loud, i think she's a loud girl

"How old are you and do you have a family?" I asked getting straight to the point

"I am five years old and i don't have a family, that man was my dad but he didn't act like him, he hit me and did some weird stuff, he said he was curing me but i wasn't sick, he'd bring doctors in to check on me but every time they told him that the experiment work, but i don't know anything about science" she laughed it out

I realised that she lived through everything i did, im not letting her back, i know i already have one, but two don't hurt, right? "Well honey, do you have anyone?" Xavier spoke up

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