men in black

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(that song hits different while writing this)

                      liked by taylorswift, screeeeeeeeeech, dada and 4,384 moreavaforlife sometimes miss o'conell lets me leave 879 commentstaylorswift 21 out now!  screeeeeeeeech replied: its been out since 1921     taylorswift replied: it never...

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                      liked by taylorswift, screeeeeeeeeech, dada and 4,384 more
avaforlife sometimes miss o'conell lets me leave
taylorswift 21 out now!
  screeeeeeeeech replied: its been out since 1921
     taylorswift replied: it never gets old tho
       username1 replied: factz^
username2 r we just gonna ignore that the comment section is made up with fake pple?
  username3 replied: yep
"So alex, what's up with you?" I asked while we were walking around the golf camp

"Nothing really, your father really regrets it you know" he said looking directly at me

"I don't really care, he still did it" i shrugged stepping on a big rock and skipping to the next one "ooh, lets go over there"i pulled him to the garden
"Wow" i mumbled and looked around "hey look your favourite, a glory lily" i said pointing to it

"Yea, and your favourite" he said in a mocking tone pointing to a middlemist red "so how do they treat you here?"

"Great" i replied smelling a rose "i mean it's better than home"

"Why? Your mum cared for you so much, what happened?" He asked pulling the rose from my face gently

"Nothing" i lied trying to convince him "im gonna go back" i walked back to the mansion then got a idea
I grabbed a ladder and leaned it on a wall then got on it, opened the air vent, i know i have a thing for air vents, i got in it and slid through it "oh crap my shoe" i said when i felt my shoelaces get stuck, i did my best to kick them off and when i did it i crawled more, i heard some giggles and voices coming from a room so of course i followed them, i was on top of a room and tried to look through the vent and noticed i was in billie's office

"I dont think isabella would be too hyped about this" i heard a girl with a thick spanish accent say, she sounded a little like, isabella?

"It doesn't matter what she thinks, its what we want" i heard a very familiar voice say

"Billie just fuck me already" isabella said then i heard kissing sounds, then clothes tearing, pants unbuckling and finally moans
What the fuck? Im shocked
You know what fuck it
I opened the vent and jumped down making them stop "isabella" my 'cousin' said trying to cover up with a blanket

"Yes?" I said smiling innocently giving them time to change

"What are you doing here?" Billie asked now fully clothed

"Oh you know, just crawling through the vents" i said casually but before i could start my tantrum there was a knock "come in"

"Oh good you're here" my dad said once he saw me "isabella i just want to tell you that i love you and please forgive me, trust the process don't try to run away please i promise I'll get you out of there as soon as possible" my dad rambled hugging me tightly with tears in his eyes making me furrow my brows and im pretty sure the 2 sluts were confused as fuck too "please forgive me" he pulled away and looked into my eyes

"Dad what are you talking about?" I chuckled a little bit "wait" i put 2 in 2 together and he nodded "dad no, chris gave me the-the thing" i felt the lump in my throat start to form

"Hunny im sorry I couldn't negotiate with them" he wiped my tears away

"Where is she going?" Billie asked concerned

"Oh shut up you cheating bitch" i spat harshly at her and then ran away only to be met with men in black, i tried running the other way but they grabbed me "NO, NO YOU CANT TAKE ME!" I yelled trying to get off they're grip "YOU PROMISED YOU'D KEEP ME SAFE!" I yelled at billie who was watching me with wide eyes tears almost falling from her eyes "YOU PROMISED YOU WERE DONE!" i yelled at my dad who was already crying a little "and i promised i wouldn't let this happened" i said in a low voice growling a little

"Isabella no, dont do it" my dad pleaded while the men kept pulling my arms so i would stop moving

"What's happening?" Billie asked her voice cracking a little
Chris came running but before he could say anything the men in black flew away from me

"Oh no im out" chris said running back but i grabbed him

Billie's POV
i was standing there shocked about what's happening

"You said it was over" isabella said in a monster like voice

"Y-yeah i-it is th-they ju-just t-triggered so-some-something" chris stuttered and she smirked

"Well make it go back" she whispered before she let him go and he ran away

"Billie we have to go now" pablo said making me peal my eyes from her and look at him "go before she sees you-" he was cut off with isabella laughing like a devil

"You want to cheat on me?" She asked me making me turn around and look at her

"I-i di-didn't mean t-to" i tried to speak but was too scared

"Oh really? Then why'd you do it?" She asked her voice going lower but before she could do something she fell and men in black grabbed her and took her

"Don't go hard on her or I'll kill you, if i find out she has a scratch I'll personally kill you" alex said grabbing a man by the collar

"Now go" pablo said and they left

"Where are they taking her?" I asked nervously

"Don't worry she'll be back" pablo reassured making me loosen up a little "oh and great job cheating"

"I didn't want to, why did i have to do it again?" I asked feeling guilty although i didn't want to

"It'll be easier for you" he answered

"Easier?" I asked

"Yea easier if she doesn't come back alive" alex said stepping in the conversation

"What?" I asked my voice breaking a little

"We'll tell you later" was the last thing pablo said before walking to the meeting room

A/n so this did a whole 360
Don't know what i feel abt it
Should i change it?

A/n so this did a whole 360 Don't know what i feel abt itShould i change it?

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Also this is a middlemist red

Also this is a middlemist red

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And that is a glory lily

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