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I arrived back at the hospital and I fretted Evan. I handed him his water and he thanked me. We had a small conversation before the same nurse cane back and told us that we could see her. We got up and went back to her room. 314. Evan went in first and I followed behind him. There she was. She was still unconscious but she was doing fine. She had a small brace on her nose but other than that she was fine.

We stayed there for an hour before Evan went home. I stayed. I sat in the chair by her side.

"Hey baby," I said holding her hand "I know you probably won't hear me but I wanted to know that I love you so so much,"

The nurse then came in

"She can still hear you. In fact talking to her might help speed up to process. However, visiting hours are over," she said

"Please let me stay. I live in a really big house and all of my friends are out of town and I don't live with my mom and Alice is the only person keeping me company so please let me stay,"

She looked at me.

"Fine but I'll have to give you a pass." She walked out for about three minutes before walking back in. "You have to have this on you if you're going to stay overnight."

I looked at it. It had my name on it and it said 'advanced visitor pass issued by Lola Howards'

"Thank you so so so much," I thanked her

"You're very welcome," she smiled before leaving

"Okay baby. So you can hear me. That's good," I chuckled "well anyways. When I went home a little while before this Kiki seemed really sad about you not being home with me."

"I'm also so so sorry about Taylor. I had no clue she was going to do that to you. I should have intervened and stopped her and I feel so horrible about it."

I let my head fall a little and a tear slipped out.

"She's never been violent before so I had no does she was going to do that." I sighed "well nope I'm out of things to talk to you about so I'm just going to talk,"

I laughed

"Well Umm. You're my favorite girlfriend out of all of my past ones. Which is two. Which isn't saying a lot but hey." I paused "I'll only ever have one girlfriend and one ex."

I looked up and squeezed her hand

"I really know that you're the one Alice. I've never been happier with anyone in my entire life," I smiled to myself "Well, it's getting late so I'm going to go to bed. I won't leave though. I'll stay here with you. Promise. Goodnight Allie,"

I stood up and kissed her forehead before sitting in the chair again and I drifted of to sleep.

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