Chapter 3

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Mumbo came in to see a pile of minecart chests in the main room. He frowned, annoyed at the mess Grian caused. He turned and sped off, towards Grian's hobbit hole. He arrived in a matter of seconds, and leaned on the doorway. 

"Grian! You can stop spamming me with messages!" He yelled, attracting the attention of the gremlin. 

"Mumbo! You won't believe it! I figured out how get my powers to work!!" Grian exclaimed, running out from the messaging room to meet him. His clothes were torn and his skin was bleeding. 

"First, what happened to you?" Mumbo said, slightly concerned.

"See, it's the adrenaline rushes that make me go invisible! Like when I'm scared or something!" Grian said, completely ignoring Mumbo. 

"Hold on, your power is invisibility?" Mumbo asked. Grian nodded aggressively. "So, if I scared you, you would turn invisible?" 

"Well, if I knew you would scare me, then no," Grian snickered, "But if I didn't then yes."

"Hmm...that's interesting," Mumbo said, a bit amused. "I let you continue with your powers then," He turned to leave, although stopped by Grian. 

"Wait! I still need to figure out how to use them, not just trigger it!"

"And what do you need me for?" Mumbo said, confused. 

"I was hoping you could help me,"

"Well, I don't have knowledge on anything about your powers, but I'll see what I can do," Mumbo smiled, and Grian grinned widely. He rushed out the door, eager to start. Mumbo ran after him, not trying to run quickly. 

I'll give him a head start.


Doc didn't know where he was. It was dark and cold. He looked around. It looked like an underground ice cave of some sort, with icicles hanging from the ceiling. He shivered; it was cold, as if he were covered in ice. And he was. He tried to move, yet his hands and legs were stuck in the icy floor.

"Oh finally! You're awake!" A figure emerged from the shadows. A familiar figure.


"Hmm? Who's that?" The figure replied. Doc was startled. This person looks exactly like can't be anyone else can it? Except those eyes look different... He had icy blue eyes, and Etho had gray ones. 

"Ohh wait I remember! You mean Etho, the pathetic version of myself!" The figure said, laughing. "I'm not him, you see. You can call me Snowfall," He gave a little bow, trying to look proper. "I'm in desperate need of your help,"

"Me? Why me?" Doc said, immediately suspicious. Snowfall laughed.

"Do you not know your power yet??" He laughed uncontrollably, making Doc annoyed. "You're the smartest of them all!" 

"I'm what?" Doc snapped. Snowfall's laughter calmed down, and Snowfall walked up to him, smiling smugly. He tapped Doc's head. 

"That. You've got intelligence." Snowfall stepped back. "But I kind of have trouble seeing that, as you clearly failed to get what I was saying." Doc was well over annoyed now. 

"What do you want?" Doc asked impatiently. 

"Oh! Yes! I have this friend over here who I keep preserved in ice for a reason," Snowfall pointed to a smaller cavern branching off of the main one. "That's where I keep him. I would say he has some anger management issues, and I would like you to make something that could calm him down," He looked back at Doc. "I hope you're willing to do it!" 

"But what if I don't do it?" Doc asked, wanting to get out of the place. Snowfall smiled his smug grin again. 

"You'll end up like my friend over there," His face lit up, like he realized a great idea. "I should let you meet him!" The ice melted where Doc's hands and legs were, letting him move freely about. "Follow me!" Snowfall said, gesturing eagerly for him to follow. They walked into the smaller cavern, and up ahead was something, or someone, in the ice. Wait...that's Bdubs! Doc realized, as they moved closer and closer. But, its also not Bdubs...

"Meet Bubbles!" Snowfall exclaimed, turning on his heel to face Doc. "I call him that since he's like a shark. I find it very clever!" Bubbles did indeed look like a shark, but more of a human shark. He had messy hair and a red head band, just like Bdubs. His jeans were torn, like Bdubs ripped out of them. Of course! Doc realized, Bubbles is Bdubs! Just the more sharkish version...

"So!" Snowfall said, snapping Doc back out of his thoughts, "You're gonna help I hope?" Doc thought for a moment. 

"Fine. But what do I get out of it?" 

"Well, once you join my group then you can't really leave. This group of ours, it's private. So, I guess you don't get tortured like poor Bubbles here?"

"Wait, so I just have to keep this a secret?" Doc asked. Snowfall nodded. 

"I could give you some diamonds if you do this..." Snowfall said thoughtfully. That immediately caught Doc's attention. 

"How much?"

"Hmm, a few blocks maybe?"

"Alright, fine. You've got a deal." Doc said. 

"Yay!" Snowfall exclaimed, "I hope I can count on you! I'll leave some supplies for you in the main cavern," He left the smaller cavern, leaving Doc alone with Bubbles.  Doc stared at the ice-preserved Bdubs. 

Don't worry Bdubs, I'll get you out of there...

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