Chapter 3

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The Shan Household


Sandra made sure she saved the text message on her phone from Patrick. She wanted to reassure herself this wasn't a dream. A small pinch on her arm gave her a second opinion, leaving a centimeter red bruise to prove her theory correct. Once again, she stared at the text on her screen wishing the day would finally arrive. She almost did not notice her Uncle Lee's disapproval.

"No phones at the dinner table kiddo," said Uncle Lee sternly. "You aunt is making her famous bife com ova a cavalo."

A favorite of Uncle Lee's, an Aunt Brit's home cooked specialty, the Portuguese cuisine involved cooking a sliced steak in a wine sauce and serving it with sautéed potatoes and rice. However, the piece de resistance of the dish is that it is topped with a fried egg for a gut busting comfort food feast.

"Sorry, Uncle Lee," she blushed concealing the phone in her lap underneath the tablecloth.

"Turn it off please."

"Yes, Uncle Lee." Sandra always followed directions especially from her parents. She pressed the off button on her cell.

"Kiddo, how was your first day of school?"

"Really good. Calliope Meyers helped me by showing me around. I met the principal Mr. Meyers. He is Calliope's stepdad."

"Calliope Meyers, isn't she the girl that works with you at the theme park?"

"The one and the same," interjected Aunt Brit who was carrying a steaming platter from the kitchen. She set the main course on the table, prepared to serve her family, as she joined in the conversation. "Really sweet girl. She and Sandra became best friends over the summer."

"That's wonderful," smiled Uncle Lee. "I'm happy you're adjusting well here in Atlantis. I know it's been rough with having to leave your friends behind in Portland during the move."

"It was tough, but everyone here has been so nice so I'm finally accepting the fact that we're staying here." She paused for a bit before breaking the news. "This brings me to another situation which I hope I could get permission for."

"I hope this isn't one of those uh-oh moments?" prodded Uncle Lee. A worried gulp came from his throat. "Glad, I'm sitting down for this." Nervously, he took a bite of his steak.

"A nice boy from school asked me out to go see a band play at a local coffee house," confessed Sandra. "It's going to be next weekend after work. Can I go?"

Her request had been quite a surprise for him. Uncle Lee began to choke on his morsel of food before coughing up the meat into his napkin.

"Absolutely not!" he told her. "You're too young to start dating!"

"I'm sixteen!" she blurted out.

"Yeah and you don't even have a driver's license yet!" barked Uncle Lee. "I bet this boy has a car."

She raised her eyes slowly to reply to his question. Already, he knew the answer.

"I don't believe it!" his voice cracking. "No way am I letting you get into a car with a strange boy!"

"Honey, you're overreacting," Aunt Brit jumped in. Finally, someone to be the voice of reason. "You knew this was going to happen. Sandra is not a little girl anymore. She is a teenager and part of her development is dating boys. You can't keep shutting her in a box forever; she's eventually going to have to get out someday."

"Brit, I understand your concern, but I don't want to see her get into trouble," said Uncle Lee. "When Linda died, I promised myself that I would always protect her and I'm going to keep that vow."

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