Chapter 18

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At the ocean's behest Sandra followed the direction of the sea voice inside her, she knew that deep down Poseidon had been guiding the path to the location of the legendary city she had heard about since her childhood. The sea god would never fail her.

Following the current toward the Atlantic Ocean, she and Patrick swam for miles through the deep waters crossing over sunken ships, underwater reefs, and passing over amazing schools of fish. Ironically, a normal human body would be fatigued by such a journey, but Sandra discovered that mythical creatures were not prone to such mortal frailties. Propelling faster than humanly possible, she glided through the endless fathoms relishing in the joy of being a mermaid.

After traveling for hours, the duo came across a dark ravine. Tiny bubbles rose from the pit as Patrick pointed to something in the distance.

"Sandra look!" he said.

Far off from the edge of the cliff stood several structures. Ornate shaped towers with point spires resembling Greco-Roman designs illuminated the top of the bastion fortress. Sandra squinted taking in the intricate detail of finest stone and mortar laid into the foundation.

Gold, silver, and bronze bricks surrounded the rest of the architecture leaving the little mermaid to acknowledge the fact that she had arrive at their destination with her companion.

They were here. They had found Lemuria.

"It's beautiful," commented Sandra. "It's almost like a dream."

"I know," replied Patrick. "I can't believe it's real."

Sandra stared at the enormous underwater city for moment and imagined. The people going from day to day, minding their own business. Selling their wares, discussing topics like politics and academics, while praising the Gods for their generosity. Then instantly, it was all gone. Sunk by angry sea god, all due to one mortal's act of vengeance.

"Do you think they miss the surface world?" She asked Patrick.

"I can't imagine that they don't." He noted. "They have lived underwater for thousands of the years, while the world above constantly evolves, and keeps changing. I can't imagine what that might be like."

Sandra frowned. "I hope one day they get to see what world above really looks like. I hope they get to see how truly beautiful it is."

"Maybe," Patrick remarked. "If we survive the end of the world."

A large explosion surprised them. Hiding behind a large reef, Sandra peered over the surface of the barnacles to see what had caused it.

Gigantic fireballs shot forward at the citadel tearing apart the glorious structure causing the pillars, columns, and walls to topple down. Sandra watched as hundreds of sea demons entered the great city, looted it, and came out dragging its citizens in chains, cages, or nets. Large numbers of merfolk cried out in anguish as children were ripped out of their arms, beaten, assaulted, or killed on the spot.

"We have to help them!" she exclaimed. She tried to move but Patrick held her down.

"No Cassandra," advised Patrick. "We're outnumbered. We have to wait and form a plan."

Her eyes scanned over the front of the entrance. She could feel their pain. Tears filled her eyes as she sensed their emotions.

Anguish. Agony. Grief. Sorrow.

Hundreds of mermen soldiers polluted the ground dead from defending Lemuria from the invaders while the remaining few left standing fought for every breath of their lives only to fall in battle. Sea demons roared in glee killing and torturing Lemurians, who attempted to defend the city.

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