Chapter 17

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Soft sounds of the ocean currents filled Sandra's ears beginning with young guppies darting back and forth, leaving a trail of bubbles in their path to the calming sounds of whale calls far off in the distance.

Nesting her head against Patrick's bare chest, she nodded off exhausted from the previous night's events of the sea demon attack and this morning's attempted kidnapping of her. A muscular arm kept her close providing her comfort for the time being combined with an affectionate kiss to her forehead.

"Sleep, Sandra," he whispered. "I'll keep watch."

Cassandra Shan did.

She listened again to the waves crashing against the rocky cliffs above taking note of the resonating vibrations that reached them all the way down to the underwater cavern. Then she drifted off.

She felt her body leave her gliding her through the air transporting from the Earth to a place just above the skies. It was euphoric, watching her body glide along the stars, surpassing space and time, and entering a realm that no longer belonged to a living reality.

Glorious light blinded her influencing her to cover her eyes while cool mist engulfed her. She opened her eyes observing in wonder of this new place she had arrived at.

Pillars and columns made from the finest marble accented the ambience of lush fruit trees and rolling green hills. To the left of her, a cascading waterfall touched a refreshing lake filled with lily pads and tropical fish. On her right, she observed a group of young children dancing and singing in merriment accompanied by an orchestra of mythical satyrs.

The young mermaid glanced down at her lower half. Her fish tail had gone missing, replacing it with ordinary feet. Connected to those feet were sandals as was the toga dress she now wore in this surreal world. Sandra followed the path ahead leading up a flight of steps to a gold and bronze temple. She entered.

Once inside, she took in the detail work. Nautical theme designs, ornate artwork, and pottery filled the interior of the structure. Instantly, she knew who it belonged to.


Walking down to the alter, she spotted a female figure in a flowing robe placing a bowl of fruit for some form of tribute. She turned around acknowledging Sandra's presence and smiled. The young mermaid analyzed the woman's features from the warm eyes, beautiful face, and long brown curls. She knew immediately who she was.


"Welcome, Aoide," she greeted. "You've made it!"

"What is this place?" Sandra asked.

"A world just above the living and close to the dead."

"Am I dead?" The teen clutched her chest.

"No, dear," laughed Cleito. "It's not your time yet. This is Elysium. A place where the souls pass into the afterlife. In Christian terms, the Olympian version of Heaven."

She stared at Cleito puzzled. "If I'm not dead, then why am I here?"

Waving her hand, Cleito pointed in the opposite direction of where Sandra stood. "I thought you should meet some friends first."

Sandra moved toward the woman's line of sight to see a pair of people she had missed for a while. One had Asian features the same as hers, while his companion represented the beauty of her native Portugal.

"Uncle Lee! Aunt Brita!" She cried. Tears flowed from her eyes while she ran embracing her family tight not wishing to let go.

"Hey kiddo, we've missed you," said Lee Shan touching her face.

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