Chapter 19

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A large thud awoke Sandra from her vision. She turned her head to see a group of sea demons drop an unconscious Patrick Evans down near the edge of the pit. His face had been bruised and battered and his back lacerated.

Gadeirus released another threatening laugh. "Looks like the boyfriend will make a fitting offering for Tiamat as well. I'm sure she'll be hungry."

Helpless and alone, Sandra prayed.

She prayed to anyone who would listen. She prayed to the ancient Gods of Olympus. She prayed to her dead parents, her aunt and uncle, her mother. She prayed to the late Lord Lemur. She prayed to Neptune and Cleito. She even prayed to the Christian God, if it helped.

Still, no one listened.

Someone help me.

Another vision flashed in her mind, exhibiting the titanic tentacle slinking upward from the deep before a euphoric feeling of warmth overtook her.

It was comforting. It was kind. It was compassionate.

It was love.

Sandra, your power is greater when it connects with others! Use mine!

She recognized the voice. Callisto. She felt her strength enter her providing her the confidence needed. The sea demons grip on her arms felt light as a feather. She tested her theory.

Pulling her arms down, she raised them quickly sending her sea demon captors flying against the jagged rocks of the bottomless pit. Observing her escape, Gaderius ordered his men to capture her. She swam toward a wounded Patrick.

"Get her! Kill her if you have too!" He directed them.

With the strength of Callisto flowing her, she grabbed a spear taking out one sea demon and whipping at another with her fish tail before disposing of the monster with his own knife.

Wow, that was easy. She noted. She prepared for the next group of Gaderius's minions to attack.

The villainous Lemurian screamed in frustration sending a shower of fireballs at her, but missing at every turn; instead, hitting his own soldiers and causing them to burst into flame. A pair of demons clawed at her from both sides, but she disposed each with ease; one with a spear in the belly and the other with sharp blade run through its throat.

Sandra finally made her way to Patrick with more sea demons in pursuit. She managed to fight a few off before reaching the young champion groaning in pain. Touching his chest, she felt his heartbeat beneath with each surge of Lord Lemur's healing power passed through him.

Patrick opened his eyes to see an exotic pair of Asian eyes looking at him with concern. "Hello beautiful!" He gave her a quick peck on the lips before grabbing a sword and shield nearby to fight. Sea demons encircled them bearing weapons waiting the right moment to strike.

"Patrick, we have to seal the pit!" Sandra informed him. "The second part of the ritual was made with my blood! Tiamat is slowly rising! We have to seal it!"

"How?" he asked. He knocked out two sea demons with his shield tossing them down the dark abyss. "We don't know how to close it!"

"I do," replied Sandra. A sea demon struck at her with his sword, but Callisto's strength allowed her to block the attack and strike at the monster with her spear. The creature did not stand a chance. "I read the last part of the prophecy. It says the blood of two souls who were reborn lovers can seal Tiamat's prison. Patrick, you and I are reborn lovers, Aoide and Azaeus. We can close the gate!"

"Are you sure?" he asked.

"Positive," she told him. She pricked her hand with the spear reopening the gash that Gaderius sliced on her hand and raised it up to Patrick who cut his palm as well. The two melded their blood together forming a scarlet mist that flowed through the blackened hole.

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