Chapter 6

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She scanned the screen of her phone again. Patrick's text message made her anxious, while she ignored the evening park attendees that passed by her or stopped to ask for directions to the Poseidon's Cove exhibits and shows.

It was not like it was intentional but seeing how this was her very first date. She wanted to be more than ready.

Pulse racing, blood pumping, Sandra began to develop a nervous habit of playing with a strand of her black hair trying to keep her composure on her first date. Face it, she was a nervous wreck.

After hearing that Sandra would be going on her first date, her boss Clee excitedly gave her an extended thirty-minute break to freshen up, upon the agreement that she reveal everything that happened on her outing.

"You sure you can trust this boy?" Clee grilled her with concern. She appreciated her boss being a bit overprotective.

Sandra chuckled. "Clee, he and his mom work at the park. He's a very nice boy.

"Just checking," the older woman defended. "You never know with these boys today, with all the internet and stuff."

"I'm sure if I see his face on a wanted poster, you'll be the first to know." She joked.

Her boss didn't appear impressed. "Yuck it up, Sandra. But the moment you see him put something in your drink, you run!"

Sandra clucked her tongue at her assumption. "Dee, we can't drink. We're both underage!"

"Then watch out for your coke or whatever Red Bull or boba tea thing you kids drink nowadays!" She suggested. "You don't want to get rupeed!"

"You mean roofied?"

"That's what I said."

"I will, Clee." Sandra promised. "Now I'm off to my break."

Finding a vacant park bench, Sandra sat down to relax as she thought of something else to occupy her mind.

Removing from her bag the book that the Gregory sisters gave to her, The Tale of the Sirens Four, she began to open the cover. Exactly exhibiting the same the old drawings of the lost picture book her mother had, she noticed that the text contained an old epic poem format.

The Tale of the Sirens Four

As Lemuria was drowned into the sea

Neptune cursed its people for eternity,

With the body of man and that of a fish

A spell only broken through a single wish.

From true sisters of the sea

Born mortal by Neptune's decree,

Heirs to the Lemurian throne

Lost on land to find their way home.

Begotten by Lord Lemur's blood

To learn the dark truth of the Great Flood,

To conclude the tragedy of this story

By returning Lemuria to its former glory.

Daughters of magic. Sisters of the sea.

Destined to set this great kingdom free,

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