Chapter 15

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The Revelation

As Lemuria sank into the sea

For retribution of the murder of Aoide,

A treacherous brother hoping to claim the throne

While another pleaded to the sea god for his sins to atone.

Lord Lemur, the true monarch, of the underwater land

Swears fealty and honor to the Olympian hand

Forgiveness and loyalty offered to Neptune

For his selfish folly that caused the kingdom's ruin.

Gaderius, the knave, and servant to the snake woman

Tiamat, Queen of the darkness, and foe of the sun

Selling his soul in both blood and bone

Rewarded with dark magicks and power of his own.

Vowing to release his Queen from Her underworld prison

Breaking out of Her cage for the Apocalypse has risen,

A world plunged into chaos, destruction and strife

Vengence claimed by Her over all mortal life.

Only the End of Days can be halted

By the Fates chosen exalted

A quartet of mortal sisters upon the shore

Daughters of Lemur. The Sirens Four!

With music in their hearts and courage abound

They shall banish the serpent woman back to the ground,

Neptune's champions chosen to end this blight

Bringing glory to Lemuria and reclaiming their birthright!

Yet the Fates have been cruel

Making Destiny a pawn and a fool,

For Gadeirus bargains with Death's door

Eradicating the champions of the Siren's Four.

It appears Tiamat claims victory over Her foes

Ensnaring Destruction in Her throes,

No more heroes to call. The world shall descend.

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