Chapter 19

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I woke up to a bang. I heard the shower running and a yell, from, what seemed to be matt. I ran in there, thank god the curtain was closed, and then i asked what was wrong. "I fell. Get Cam or Nash or something!" I ran out of the room and got Nash and Cam. Just to be careful. "Matt fell and he asked me to get you." They nodded and i ran after them. They got Matt out. They got him in clothes and had to carry him out to the van. Then they went to the hospital.

We were in the waiting room all tired. I had a sports bra and athletic shorts on and some tennis shoes. I was jogging while they took him to the hospital and i had just gotten there, so i was sweaty and had no makeup on. I had huge black rings around my eyes and i just was looking at the hate on Twitter. Its normal.

Outfit ^

When they let the first person in, they allowed me to walk in. Usually he was the one to walk in on me, but not this time. I was seeing him. I guess he had broken his leg, because it was propped up like mine when i broke my leg. It wasnt very comfortable. He was on hiis phone and i guess he was texting someone or tweeting or something. He didn't seem to notice me walk in. Then he finally looked at me. He held his arms out like he wanted a hug. I walked up and sat at the edge of the bed./ He frowned and put his arms down. "How did you fall?' i ask with a low voice. HE shrugs and replies with "I was playing with my hair and then i just slipped on soap and fell." I said mhmmm and then hugged him and walked out of the room. Then they all went in there. I decided to go to the hotel again. I ended up jogging because the boys woudnt have a ride. So i just walked and jogged and ran.

When i got there, i was covered in sweat. So i just jogged up the stairs instead of using the elavator. When i got to my room, i weighed myself. Im only 124 pounds. I am working to get to 112 right now. I have gained a bit of weight since we went back to Virginia due to laziness. I wish Indigo was here to jog along with me and we could work out together like we always did. We stopped when i became part of Magcon.

Indigo Pov and thoughts:

I miss Nick so much right now and im feeling depressed ever since she left. Hope looks like she getting skinnier and then Jayda locks herself in her room everyday and im getting more bored. We used to  work out together, then we always ate together and it all fell apart. We need her back soon. This whole thing will fall apert. Then Stevie, doesnt come around much anymore. He just goes to parties and ends up getting to drunk that he cant drive himself home. I have been ignoring his texts for a while. He just asks me to come pick him up. This is torture. He doesnt even stay a bit sober. Why is he old enough and waisting his life like this?

I texted Nick saying "Please come home. Everything is tearing apart. Please come back!" Then she replied an hour later saying this "Sorry. This is my new life now. I dont have enough time for that...."

I got so depressed and just went to bed. I cried for at least an hour. Then i packed all my things up and to the next flight home to Texas. I am moving back with my mom and forgetting everything that ocurred for that past years of my whole life.

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