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Okay so yeah Leo saw me coming out if the tree and it was so intense because he kept his eyes on the tree and me at the same time. But I didn't say anything and he returned the favour, that is, until I broke it.

"I wish you didn't see that" then I held in my necklace tight. and he dazed of then snapped his eyes back to me.

"What am I doing here?" He asked and u mentally patted myself on the back.yasss!

Any way I told Leo that he was wandering around the forest and he hit his head on a boulder. so I took him back to camp and it was dark so I pushed him inside the cabin and told him to got to sleep.

Also that I just wanted to go for a walk. He agreed and walked to his bunk.


Okay somehow I was in the woods near the labyrinth and the huge lake I didn't know existed.

I saw Serenity looking at me then my mind was completely lost again, like she had control over it! Anyway she took me back to the cabin and told me to go to sleep and normally she would have stayed in the Hermes cabin but surprisingly it was full. if she stated at Percy's cabin she would have to go through Tyson and his loud snoring, NO OFFENCE, and the Aphrodite cabin and the Athena cabin were full as well and the other cabins found a way to lock doors for good. so her only way was to sleep at my cabin and most if the people in my cabin were in quests or missions or even sent somewhere else to do other things. so it was just me and her.

But since I am still curious I want to go and follow her until I find out why I was in the woods, or why she was there too. I am a stubborn kid? Yeah you could say that.

Anyway I followed her and I am surprised she didn't notice since most people can. And I was making noise. and I smell like motor oil that anyone could smell.

Anyway, she went all the way down to a beach and she was just sitting there, I was going to go back because of the boredom and I couldn't take it anymore. So I was just about to leave but then she had a necklace on, which I didn't see before, but where did she get that? Then she stared down at the ground and almost instantly vines wrapped around her bear feet like a shoe and then she got up and the vines didnt come off but she waved her hand in an upward formation and a huge wave rose up. Is she the daughter of poseidon or demeter? It made me even more confused when she formed her fingers in a peace sign then a gust of wind blew around her. Zeus? But I was seriously shocked when she clenched her fists and a ball of fire came out. No way! How did she do that? Is she the daughter of hepheastus or demeter or zeus or poseidon none of this made sense!

I quickly ran away before she could see me. How is that even possible, I thought only I had the fire! But she had air, water, and earth too! None of this made sense.ughh.

Anyway the sun was up by now and I was still in deep thought.

"where were you?" I asked, but I obviously knew where she was. But I had to see if she was lying or not.

"I was at the Pegasus stables w- why?" She stuttered and she lied. But why? Did see not want anyone to know? Well I know.

"Eh, it doesn't matter. It's just that you were gone for a really long time."

"How would you know, you were supposed to be asleep, or were you?" Damn it. I swear she should be in the Athena cabin!

"Actually I,er, I woke up in the middle of the night and it was like 2:00 am and you still weren't there so... yeah." She raised an eyebrow but she just nodded. Thank The Lord.


I just nodded but I knew that he was keeping something from me. oh well I don't have to stick my nose into everything!

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