Confession (Remade)

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Changed some things , I'm also sorry for not posting at all. School and exams kicks my ass a lot and I don't get a lot of time to write cause I worry about it.

Y/n l/n was the ultimate y/u. She/he was accepted to Hopes peak academy with their her/his friend, Kokichi ouma. Y/n was excited to be in a school filled with such talented ultimates. Even better, she/he was put in a class with Kokichi. Everyone looked so cool to y/n. There's was even a boy that surprised y/n even more. He looked like he was about 3'5, his hair was covered with a beanie that looked to have cat ears. His eyes were pretty wide open to say the least. He has a black leather jacket and what looked like a prison uniform.
He was very quiet, rarely talked to anyone. He avoided everyone as well. Kaede actually told y/n his name.

"Ryoma Hoshi. He said he used to be the ultimate tennis pro. That's all I know he always tells me to avoid him..oh wait! He likes cats too!"

Kokichi kinda pushed you to talk to him, always teasing you that you liked him. But that wasn't the case. You just wanted to talk to him, he just seemed like a unique guy to you. But just like kaede, he pushed you and kokichi away. It took you guys weeks for him to give in. But you guys got along. Just the three of you would eat lunch together, study and just talk. Soon, what kokichi thought at first about having a crush on ryoma slowly became became a reality and kokichi knew it.

It was the afternoon,y/n looked outside the window as the sky had a tint of orange. Y/n heard footsteps of her/his teacherbget closer to her/him. She/he quickly looked back at the text book, this class was probably her/his least favorite.

"Alright, do we understand what we just read?" The teacher spoke. The whole class replied with a confident yes, y/n just went along with it. "Well than, we'll get started with the project." 'Project?..She never told us about that..' The teacher walked around the room while speaking "I'll be assigning the partners."

Y/n expected to be with someone she/he rarely talks to.

But when got the teacher called on her/him, she looked at Ryoma. "You two will be together." She stated. "Yes ma'am." Said both y/n and ryoma. 'Don't panic, just act normal..' y/n told herself/himself, she/he walked up to the small boy "so do you wanna like...connect desks?" Y/n asked. Ryoma pulled his beanie down a little "Sure, I don't really care."

"Alright, I'll help you." Y/n's held onto both sides of Ryoma's desk, using her/his strength to pick it up (or just push the desk) Ryoma watched y/n as she/he connected the desks so that'd be facing each other. "Done." Y/n pulled the wooden chair, sitting back down. She/he saw ryoma do the same thing, but she felt something hit her/his face. It was a paper ball thrown by kokichi. Y/n looked at him from across the room, he gave y/n a little grin until kiibo told him to get pay attention. "He can act so childish sometimes." Ryoma was looking at kokichi as well, "Huh? Oh yeah." Y/n tried focusing on the work again.

With a little bit of help from ryoma, they both were able to finish half of the project. Until they both heard the bell ring. "Alright everyone these are due on Thursday alright?" The teacher called as everyone was packing up. "Yes ma'am!" As everyone was exiting the door y/n could hear some of y/n's classmates asking if they wanted to finish the project in the dorms. Y/n genuinely didn't like anyone in her/his dorm, not that she/he's hiding something. Just that they dislike the thought of someone in their personal space. 'Hm maybe if I ask..he'll let me in his dorm.' Y/n thought. They looked to see ryoma get his stuff, about to walk out. "Hey Ryoma!" Y/n called out. Ryoma turned back "what wrong?" He asked in concern. "I was wondering if you're okay with us...finishing the project in the dorms?" Y/n asked, as they were walking down the hallway.

It was silence for a couple seconds until the small boy lifted up His head to look at y/n. "You sure about that y/n." He sound more cold now, but it didn't affect y/n. "Yes ryoma, I'm sure." Y/n heard a little chuckle from ryoma "Alright than, well let's get going."

The two made their way to the dorms, y/n didn't really know what to talk about with ryoma. All they really talked about was just cats. Y/n started to feel her/his legs get tried out, she/he just wanted to go to sleep. But she/he needed to get this project out of the way first. Y/n heard the sound of keys, she/he looked down to ryoma. He was unlocking his dorm, when he opened it y/n immediately looked inside. "Sorry if it's a little bland." Ryoma said as he walked inside. "No worries it's nice." His dorm looked pretty organized, it almost smelt like coffee in there as well.

"Well, lets just get this over with." Ryoma groaned, he was equally tired as y/n. They both left their bags on the floor. y/n opened her/his bag, taking out a f/c folder where the project was left in. Ryoma and y/n sat, continuing the half of the project they didn't complete. That's all y/n remembered.

A loud thud came from the room next to Ryoma's, y/n woke up immediately from the sudden noise. She/he heard some giggles and shushing from the dorm next to Ryoma's. Looks like some students decided to sleepover at ones dorm. "God what the hell man." Y/n was a little startled from the deep voice, turning back to look at Ryoma rubbing the back of his head. "You okay?" Y/n asked. "Yeah." Ryoma mumbled. He slowly crawled to his bed, pulled no the sheets over him. "Well thanks for letting in your..." a yawn paused y/n for what she/he was about to say. "For...letting me in your dorm." Y/n picked up the folder, setting it back in her/his bag. "You can sleep here if you want." Ryoma mumbled. 'Huh?' Y/n was a little confused on why Ryoma would say that.

"No, it's fine don't worry." Y/n said reassuringly "you sure?" Ryoma questioned. "Mhm..Goodnight." Just as y/n was gonna head out his room, she/he looked at the ground. 'Huh? Oh extra paper.' Y/n picked it up, flipping it over. It had writing on it.

Y/n planned to give this paper to Ryoma. As a confession, but just never did. 'Thank goodness he didn't see this' how'd it even fall out...Well actually, maybe it's a good time to give it to him?' Y/n looked at the paper, than back at Ryoma. 'Why am I still here...? Am I a creep for watching him sleep? Probably.' Y/n quietly left his dorm with the paper in hand. 'One day I'll tell him.'

When y/n quietly made it back to her/his dorm, she looked at the paper again. ' feels to extra..maybe I should rewrite it again...' y/n looked at the way bottom. The girl/boy looked closer, the handwriting didn't look like theirs anymore.

"I like you too."

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