I Promise

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E more requests.
Heck wtf do I title this.

Tw: scars sexual abuse

I hummed walking down the hall way with my bento box. I finally found my small boyfriend witch made a smile grow on my face. I sat down next to him. There were other people around us talking and two people sitting next to us. "How's it going ryoma?" I looked at him. "Oh. I'm doing good how about you?" I guess he wasn't really hungry cause all he was eating was just some chips. "How are you today?" He just nodded and threw some chips in his mouth. "Oh okay." I felt like something was wrong. Maybe he's keeping something from me. "Hey are you okay?" He looked at me "I'm fine don't worry. If I wasn't okay I would tell you" he smiled and continued eating he chips.

Well I guess he's okay then. Maybe I'm just to paranoid..yeah that's all. We had an normal conversation and soon enough lunch was over.

I walked back to our classroom with ryoma. I wasn't too sure if ryoma was okay, I've been with him long enough to know he's not. We were all waiting for our home room teacher to arrive all of us chatting with each other until she arrived
"Ryoma...are you SURE you're okay??" I asked ryoma. He rolled his eyes "Yes I'm sure." Kokichi touched both of our shoulders "awwww how cute" he grinned. "Okay guys settle down." The teacher clapped her hands. Getting us to look at the chalk board again. Resuming back to class

By the end of the day all of us were tired as hell ready to go back to the dorms. I got my bag and waited for ryoma but he was surprisingly already gone. He couldn't even wait for me! Oh well I'll meet him at his dorm.

I got my stuff and headed out of the class room. I heard some foot steps from behind and saw kaede catching up with me. "Hey y/n!" I smiled at her "oh hey kaede." "Gonna go with ryoma?" She asked witch I answered with a yes to. "He's been acting kinda strange lately. He's always in his dorm for some reason." I heard another voice "Maybe he's playing with himself HAHAHA!" Miu said. "Hey that's not nice!" I heard kaede giggle a bit. "Well I gotta go now." I ran off, I could hear miu and kaede say bye in the distance.

I run up to Ryoma's door and was about to knock. The door was already open 'did he forget to lock it?" I took a look inside.

I saw ryoma looking in front of an mirror. He looked sad, he was looking at his body that had scars. He touched the mirror "why..?" He stayed silent for a little until he said another thing "maybe I just shouldn't tell y/n anything about this.." he sighed and sniffed. I wanted to come in and hug him but I just couldn't move. I..what? I don't even know what's going on. He looked over his shoulder and saw me. He grabbed a nearby book and threw it at the door. "Ow!" I fell back. "..y-y/n?"

Ryoma got up and got a blanket to cover himself and opened the door for y/n. Terrified if she/he saw his scars already. Y/n slowly got back up and looked at ryoma.

"..." y/n gave a confused and worried look ryoma giving the same look back. "May...I come in." Ryoma nodded and y/n went in his dorm, closing the door behind her/him. "D-do you need something?" Y/n just stared at ryoma. She/he slowly tugged at the blanket. Ryoma refused "What's..up?" Tears rolled down y/n's face, she/he got on her/his knees and hugged ryoma."W-why are you crying love?" Ryoma already could guess that y/n saw his body. He sighed and hugged back "Sorry you had to see that.." y/n looked confused "why..sorry..y-you're still the ryoma I love." Ryoma sniffled and hugged y/n tighter. Y/n held ryoma close to him/her. Ryoma's breathing became shaken and y/n got up and got an tissue box for him.

Y/n walked back to Ryoma placing the tissue box next to him. Ryoma thanked them and used the tissue. Y/n used some tissue as well. when the tissue was already used, Y/n got an nearby trash can and placed it next to them and ryoma. Ryoma threw his tissue away and so did y/n. Ryoma couldn't resist and he threw himself y/n was slightly surprised by his actions but hugged him and played with his hair.

"I'm sorry to ask but...why did you say 'why do this to me." Ryoma sighed "past experiences...with...Sexual abuse." Y/n eyes widen a bit. "O-oh.." ryoma stuffed his face in y/n's chest. "I'm sorry...I promise I won't keep anything from you..okay." Y/n nodded and gently placed ryoma on his bed and got on her/him self. Y/n covering both of them with the bed sheets and holding ryoma again. "Y/n.." y/n hummed "do you love me?" He asked. "Of course I do ryoma. And I will always love you."

Whhhh I'm sorry if this is bad

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