I'm right here.

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Lol family drama literally happens for the most stupidest reason. Cousin makes a hole in a chair now all the sudden aunties throwing a fucking laptop on the floor shattering it 😌💅
An request so enjoy! ♡'・ᴗ・'♡

y/n and ryoma were walking down the warm sidewalk the sun beaming on to them. Ryoma wanted to take y/n to a cafe as a appreciation for being with him.

Of course people walking by stopped their tracks, awing at ryoma thinking he was y/n's son. He felt uncomfortable but just awkwardly smile at the people. When the two arrived at the cafe y/n opened the black metal glass door. Entering first was ryoma including y/n afterwards

The place was cold itself sending some chills but it smelt pretty good. The two were greeted by an employee behind the counter. Y/n and ryoma eyes were now looking at the menu above at seeing what they would want. "What can I help you guys with?" The employee asked. Y/n was hand in hand with ryoma walking up to the counter. Ryoma just stared at the employee, making them feel slightly uneasy. "Yes! I'd like one coffee and a (drink of choice) the employee nodded. "Will that be all?" They asked. Y/n replied with a hum as an answer. Y/n was told the price and payed for her/his drink while ryoma payed for his.

Y/n and her/his small boyfriend walked over to a table near the window where they could see everyone from the outside, chatting shopping etc. y/n started talking to ryoma about up coming exams while he was listening closely.

y/n then could feel a soft tap of a finger tip on her/his shoulder. The girl/boy looked confused looking over. "Oh my god f/n?!" The h/c boy looked at y/n scratching the back of his head. Ryoma looked at y/n giving her/him the 'explain who tf is this manz' look. "Oh, ryoma meet f/n I knew him since early childhood." Y/n gave a sweet smile. F/n waved at ryoma
"Pleasure to meet you ryoma." The guy said.
the small male just stared at the other. "Mind If I sit here?" Y/n nodded in agreement.

F/n pulled out the wooden chair, sitting down next to y/n.

'It's just her/his friend..it's not like they like each other.' Ryoma thought to himself trying to clear out negative thoughts.

Ryoma just watched the conversation go on as the two talked about what's been going on in their lives. He felt a little bored, pulling out his phone from his pocket to check socials. He tried to shrug it off, as it's just a friend but slowly he felt like you guys were acting like you found each other as soulmates. He felt extremely uncomfortable but he didn't wanna embarrass or make you mad. Almost felt he didn't exist and should just leave.

"Ryoma?" He heard the voice he oh so loved. He bolted out of his thoughts. "Huh? Oh thanks." He grabbed the coffee by the cardboard wrapped around it. He took a small sip looking at the two people. Still chatting and laughing.

'Maybe I'm not enough..maybe nobody would want a murderer like me.' Ryoma started fiddling with his fingers, beginning to get into a depressed state. (I CANT OMG BABBBY 🥺)

Y/n started to realize Ryoma's odd action, confused y/n asked ryoma if he was alright. "Yeah." He said quietly. F/n looked at him, smirking. Now ryoma could've then and there break the guys kneecaps but he rather not. He sipped on his coffee checking his phone. "So ryoma what do you do for a living?" The guy asked drinking from an straw. Ryoma didn't reply and just ignored him. "He doesn't really talk about it." Y/n said smiling, she/he knew ryoma enough and was very patient with him.  "Ah Alright." F/n said. "Is He your...brother...or?"

"Boyfriend." Ryoma said in a rather cold tone. F/n looked kinda startled. Y/n looked a tiny bit embarrassed. The girl/boy scratched the back of her/his head awkwardly laughing. "Oh sorry I never mentioned he was ahahah!" F/n chuckled a little too. "Oh..it's alright!" F/n continued drinking his latte. It was awkward silence after that. When the three finished their drinks. F/n insisted on throwing the cups away. "Aw your too kind!" Y/n said. Ryoma on the other hand just got up from his chair and threw away his own cup.

Walking over to the box shaped trash can, f/n threw only two cups away. Y/n pushed out the wooden chair standing up.
The girl/boy pushed the chair in afterwards making her/his way out of the cafe the two boys following from behind.

"Well it was great seeing you y/n!" F/n chuckled happily. "Mhm you too!" Y/n said.

Walking their separate ways. Y/n just stayed silent one arm holds onto another. Ryoma was crossing his arms. Y/n never wanted to fight with ryoma. So when they got home, y/n just crouched down to Ryoma's height, the small male looked at the y/n he wanted to snap at y/n just like that. But before anything could come out of his mouth
Y/n hugged his small frame. "I'm sorry if you felt jealous." Y/n said in a sorrow voice.

Ryoma was silent but hugged back. 'Maybe I was just being too jealous.'

Y/n picked up ryoma sitting on the floor. Ryoma was now on y/n's lap. "Ryoma...you know I would never cheat on such a..sweet cat loving handsome badass guy like you!" Y/n could hear Ryoma's soft little chuckle. The two locked hand in hand, ryoma tried reaching up to y/n to kiss her/him. Y/n let out a light giggle, reaching down giving ryoma a soft kiss on the lips.

Sorry if this was a bit too rushed. Took a break cause of write block

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