Chapter 11

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The next day, we asked people who live here if there are other spots here. But they only recommended to go to the top of the lighthouse in the beach. As far as I can see, the lighthouse was not as tall as the other lighthouses. It was so much taller. They said,the villagers, that you need to try to hold your breath until you go to the top. If you get to do it, make a wish. It will have a big chance to come true. So, we went on there.

"Hey! Let's try to do the challenge!" Papu challenged.

"Yes! The winner will have a free hug or kiss, whichever you want, from..." Alice said. "Haily!!" She continued.

I got shocked because it has been a long time since they did something like this to me. I dropped my jaw because of the surprise. "What?! What's happening to you? Are you sick?" I told Alice as I feel her neck and forehead. Then, my friends started cheering and supporting Alice's suggestion.

Juliet: "YESS! You can plan now, boys."

I didn't expect them to follow what she said, but they followed her. They gathered and formed a circle and started whispering.

"Hahaha! It's okay so that you'll try having an admirer, dude," McKie said while poking my shoulder.

They all started cheering. It was true. I only had an admirer ,who confess to me, once.

Then, the guys speak up, "Hey! We got to say yes for someone want that!"

Seriously? Someone wants that? But, who? Or... maybe they're just kidding.

Hannah spoke up,"Just don't, guys. Just think of any other." I was glad she said that. She's the one who can understand me when it comes to this. Because... She's the same with me, no admirers. I don't want to involved in those stuffs.

"Fine.." Papu sighed. "It was going to be fun, though." She frowned a bit.

"Okay!!" Mandy shouted. "Let the amazing race begin in three..." Everyone started bending their knees.
She continued, "two... And..." Everyone's face became more serious. "ONE!"

Everybody, including Mandy and I, went up. We were just almost in the half when we all stopped. No! Our wishes had now a low chance of getting granted. I know it's not real, but I somewhat believe in superstitions. we all breath fast.

Stanley: "That was so tiring!"

Me: "I know right!"

All of us are still trying to catch our breath. We looked up and saw we're still far to the top.

Me: "What? Let's go?"

They nodded.

As we go up, we talked about different stuffs. Finally, we're now here, at the top of the very tall lighthouse. What those people told us was really real. It's really a perfect view. From here, you can see the blue, cool, crashing waves, children laughing and playing while collecting elegant sea shells, the houses and nipa huts everywhere.


It's night. We went back to the hotel to eat our dinner. After dinner, there was something Gab said, which is actually weird and creepy. It is, "Hey. Luke and I will drink a bit." I'm like... WHAT?!!

But I think Juliet agrees, "Yeah sure. Take your time. Always remember 2 glasses only."

I opened my mouth because of what she said without saying a word. Would you really say that involuntarily when you're inspired? The other girls did the same too. And Juliet was just like, 'what?' while shrugging her shoulders.

I just sighed. I know I can't control whatever Juliet say. We girls said good night to them and we also warned them. We went back to our rooms.

When I was already lying comfortably on the bed, I can't stop thinking about what would happen to them, since no one is watching them. I turned to my left to see Juliet. She was the same. She's moving constantly. I couldn't hold it any longer. I got up my bed silently and went near her. Before I tap her shoulder, she turned to her right, look at me, with her eyes wide open. She asked me in a normal voice, "Can we please check on them?" I nodded. She got up and we walked out of the room quietly.

Even if we're already outside, we still walked silently, afraid of what will be the result of the drinking of the boys. Yes, Luke is a year older than us, but Gab was just the eldest in our batch. We went nearer to the table where they drank. Until we see them. They were just drinking their own bottle of wine, without talking to each other. I don't know what's in Juliet's mind that made her approach Luke and grabbed his bottle away. She said in a loud voice, "Stop drinking Luke! You're drunk!!" He was really drunk. You can see it in the way he sits. Luke did not say anything but he just stared Juliet. Yes. They were making a long eye-to-eye contact. I went to Gab and removed his bottle. I assist him to stand up. I let him put his arm over my shoulders. He didn't actually walk that clumsily. I feel he was actually staring creepily at me. Wait. What if, he's not drunk?! I faced him as I removed his arm from my shoulders. I faced him and he was just smiling very creepily to me. We walked to the boys' room, while Juliet is still trying to prevent Luke from his continuing drinking. He went to his bed. To my surprise, he's not actually drunk! I can say in in the way he walks, the way he stepped in to his bed.He was sitting as I threw myself to the half below of the bed, just staring at the ceiling. I was kinda mad at him for not telling me he's not really drunk. Until now, we're not saying a word to each other. Again, I can feel he's staring at me. So, I sat and faced him. He was actually smiling at me. I asked him in an annoyed voice, "Why didn't you tell you weren't actually that drunk?!" My voice was actually kinda loud that made me worry if I had woken up Stanley and Taylor.

"I'm glad someone's worried of me," he told me with his smile being even wider.

"You know, you can stop smiling," I told him, trying not to let him recognize that I like his smile.

"Okay then, Haily," he told with a quiet chuckle.

I just smiled then I headed out of the room. "Bye."

He told me, "Good night, Haily" as he lies down to the bed. What he said made my heart melt.

"Good night, Gab." I said back, going out of the room.

When I got out, Juliet was there with Luke. He's really drunk. I said, "Good luck, Juliet." I laughed a bit. She just gave me a smirk. I went to our room and sleep soundly.



I was actually laughing with the length of this chap. Enjoy! 😊

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