🍂Chapter 2: as you like🍂

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"Meet him?" Minnie May repeated.
Diana knew that Minnie May's reaction to the fact that Jerry was poor wouldn't have been the best. But he has a charm with girls in general, so if he talk to her maybe she would like him.
"Yeah, he is very sweet and caring, you would love him" Diana said, trying to convince her.
"Okay" Minnie May responded.
"I will tell mom that I am picking you up from school okay?" Diana asked. Minnie May just nodded.
After that Minnie May went back to her room so Diana could have some time to think.
Hopefully Minnie May will like him, she thought.
"Ms. Barry, Dinner is served" says MarryJoe.
"I will be coming down soon, Thanks Mary" she says. MarryJoe just nodded simply and closed the door.
Diana sighted, and stood up from the ground. This is really one of those moments where she wished that Anne was here. She would understand, right?
She still hasn't told Anne. Which is something that she felt incredibly guilty for.
But on her defense, there has never been a time to do that. Every time they talk is about Gilbert.
Don't get he wrong, she loves helping Anne.
But she would prefer if they could talk about her, for once at least.
She walked down the stairs, her head high and her shoulders back, her hands joined together behind her back and her dress impeccably clean.
This is what her mother wanted, the perfect girl, the golden child, and in a few days the golden woman.
She sat at the grand table, with her father at one end and her mother at the other.
It was quiet for a few minutes until her mother spoke up.
"So, Diana, your birthday is coming up soon" she says.
Diana dreaded her birthday. She usually had some sort of party. But from the time she was 10, her parents would only invite suiters.
She was about to be 17, and she still felt like a child.
"Yes mother, although I would like to skip my birthday party this year" she says, she knew that her parents would not be pleased, but they seemed fairly in a good mood.
"Darling, why not?" Asked her father placing his newspaper aside, fairly intrigued by the topic.
"I do not really appreciate that my birthday has become and excuse for you to find a husband for me" she says calmly.
"Honey, what are you talking about?" Eliza asked.
"Yeah, her birthday's are so boooriiingg" says Minnie May placing her elbows on the table leaning her hand on it.
"Sit up straight" Eliza says. Minnie May quickly did so.
"Diana...if you wish, your birthday will not be celebrated this year" says her father. To say that Diana was impressed to say the least.
She wasn't actually expecting her parents to be on board with her decision.
"Thank you, may I be excused?" She asked politely.
"Of course" her mother replied. She wiped the edges of her mouth and went to her bedroom upstairs.
"You are so fake" she repeated in the mirror.
Who was she kidding? She hated all of this.
With that thought. She decided to call it a day and fell asleep. Thinking about the new day that attends her. Hopefully Minnie May will be approving.

Third time is the charm| Diana and JerryWhere stories live. Discover now