🍂Chapter 5: The Lie 🍂pt.1

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The rest of the evening, Diana's mind was occupied by 2 handsome individuals, Charlie and Jerry. But she couldn't think of that, just a few hours ago she just saw Charlie as an acquaintance, nothing more. she always kind of knew that he had a thing for her, but she was also more than certain that those feeling were long gone. It was probably that compliment, that was probably one of the smoothest compliments that ever came out of someone's mouth. even smoother than Jerry's....NO she cannot think like this. Jerry saw who she was, he saw who she wanted to be...and loved both versions. And that is what really matters.
School soon ended, and Diana felt a rush of pure adrenaline. What if Minnie May didn't like him? What if she couldn't see him as a potential partner for her sister? What if she told everything to her PARENTS? Her thoughts were soon cut short by Ms. Stacy. "Ok, the class you are dismissed for the day" she gently picked up her books and made her way out. she had already told Anne that much to her dismay, she wouldn't be able to walk with her.
She waited in front of Minnie May's school.
They then started to make their way in the forest, and a sense of panic washed over Diana.
"Is he handsome?" Minnie May asked.
Diana visibly relaxed.
"Very handsome" she lightly giggled.
"Diana" a voice then called, she immediately knew to who it belonged.
"Jerry" she smiled and engulfed him into a warm hug. He then took notice of Minnie May, and decided to great her.
"Bonjour, I am Jerry" he says kneeling down to reach Minnie May's hight. She gave him a look and started poking him, Diana couldn't hold back laughter at Jerry's uncomfortable expression.
"Yes, you are handsome" she then says throwing herself at him with opened arms.
He immediately hugged back, sharing a warm smile with Diana.
The whole way home, Minnie May asked Jerry loads of questions. The questions varied from things like favorite foods, and things like family members.
All in all, they both seemed to enjoy each other's company.
They soon arrived at a few meters from the Barry's mansion.
"Why are we stopping?" Asked Minnie May confused.
"Because your parents can't see me" he replied, while helping her climb down from his broad shoulders. Minnie May did her pouty face, she didn't want Jerry to leave. Diana and Jerry shared a small peck before the parted, they didn't want Minnie May to be grossed out so they just kept it as a peck.

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