🍂Chapter 8: you are going to be okay pt. 2🍂

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Diana walked her usual way to school, admiring the beautiful nature around her. She always wished that one day, she would be just like the wind....free.
"Diana!" Called a cheerful voice. Diana didn't need to turn around to know that it was her bosom friend Anne.
Anne ran up to her and gave her one of the biggest hugs.
"So, do you want to go to the hideout tonight," asked Anne. Oh, how she loved the hideout, it's been a while since they all went together to talk about books.

"That would be lovely Anne, but I would need to ask my parents for permission to stay out" She says, her voice becoming less cheerful by each word.
"But my dear Diana, you have always sneaked out, why would today be any different?" Anne asked with a hint of confusion. Diana looked into her friend's eyes, debating if she should tell her about the not so friendly discussion she had with her parents.
"My parents, yesterday they got furious because I presented the idea to go to Queens, and I am sure that if they discovered that I was sneaking out, the small chance of me going would fade completely" She says sadly. Anne's face then contorted into one of pure disagreement towards Diana's parents. How could you do this to your own child? Forcing them to be something they are not, how grotesque is that? Diana was so smart, and letting this talent of hers to go to waste was just so sad for Anne to think about.
Although Anne had a big mouth and expressed her feeling in every occasion, she could understand that her friend didn't want to talk about it. So for this once, Anne would respect her friend's wish.

As soon as the two girls entered the schoolhouse they could immediately hear people talking in small whispers. The 2 girls looked at each other in pure confusion, are they talking about them? But then they both realized...they were talking about Diana.
"Diana! You are on the board, Charlie officially noticed you" Ruby giggled as she took both Diana's and Anne's hand, leading them outside so they could look for themselves.
As they stood in front of the board they realized that it was indeed true. Charlie Slone had a thing for Diana Barry. Diana did not know how to process this new information, should she tell Jerry....NO absolutely not, it would just worry him for no reason since Diana had no feelings for Charlie what so ever. But she also decided that she couldn't lead Charlie on, considering that it would be a vile and cruel action on her part. Was she going to b okay? Anne could perfectly read her Bosom's friend's thoughts.

"Yes, you are going to be okay, Diana" she says placing a comforting hand on her shoulder 

thank you

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