🍂Chapter 4: why would you?🍂

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Diana was in her dream world. She couldn't think of anything besides Jerry.
Saying that she was love-struck would be an understatement, but was it, love?
This was the question that she continued to ask herself, and being confused even more after every time. Don't get her wrong, she had no doubts about her feeling for him, it's the opposite.
"Diana, would you tell me the answer to the equation?" Asked Ms. Stacy.
Diana hates math, but she always managed to do good in it, mainly because Anne offers her help every other day.
"19," she says, Ms. Stacy gave her a small approving nod and returned her focus to the board.
But Diana was too distracted for that.
~~Time Skip~~
It was lunch break, and all the girls were huddled up in their usual spot speaking about nothing in particular.
"Have you girls already been promised to someone?" Asked Tillie completely out of the blue.
Her friends' reactions varied from a disgusted Anne, an exited Ruby, confused Jane and Josie, and finally to Diana almost choking on her milk.
"What?! Why?" Asked Anne with mouth agape and wide eyes.
"I don't know, I mean, at this age we should all be promised to someone" Tillie states matter of fact.
"I suppose," says Jane siding with Tillie.
"I plan to be the bride of adventure, it sounds an infinite times better than to be stuck at home feeding babies the whole time," says Anne while imagining her possible future.
"I had no idea that Gilbert's second name was Adventure" joked Diana, while a small blush appeared on Anne's cheeks as she tried to cover it with her hands. Her friends laughed at her childish gesture and continued teasing her for a while.
"Well, I think that the only one right here to even worry about this is Diana," Says Josie in a teasing manner as she playfully slapped her friend's arm, and this caused Diana to once again choke on her drink.
"What?!" Diana asked in a panic, they couldn't know, how would they know?!
"Well, you know, you and Charlie Slone have a little something going on," Jane says also teasingly causing the girls to laugh and Diana to let out a breath of relief.
"I don't know what you are talking about," She says with a laugh as she takes a bite out of her cookie.
"Diana, my lovely kindred spirit..." Anne says gaining Diana's attention.
"He is staring at you" she concluded. This caused Diana to give them a puzzled look and turne her gaze to where Anne was pointing at, and indeed Charlie was staring at her, but tore his gaze once he realized that he had been caught.
"I am not interested" Diana laughed nervously.
"Well, he clearly is," says Josie with a hint of sass laced in her voice.
"Well, moving on into the conversation..." Diana says eagerly waiting for someone to change the subject.
"I mean, are we going to pretend to not know who actually put the gossip board up," Tillie says, thankfully changing the topic, and all their gazes shifted towards Josie who just played innocent.
"I have no idea what you are talking about," says Josie with a fake gasp, which caused all the girls to roll their eyes until they heard fighting coming from outside.
They all rushed out the door to see what in the lord's name was going on.
Anne was the first to arrive at the door and opened it all the way to see Charlie tackling Billy to the ground.
The girls stared wide-eyed at the image of Charlie punching Billy over and over again as his blood coated the white snow.
Charlie also looked damaged, not nearly as damaged as Billy but he had a faint trail of blood trickling down his face, his knuckles where pure red and a few drops of blood coated them.
"What is happening!?" Asked Ms. Stacy catching everyone's attention. She rushed down the few steps to pull the boys apart.
"Josie, please accompany me to take Billy home, and you Diana please patch Charlie's wounds while I decide a good punishment for this unpleasant scene," Ms. Stacy says sternly. She then headed off to Billy's home with him and Josie trailing behind.
"Let's go" Diana takes Charlie's bruised hand and led him inside the schoolhouse while everyone stayed outside. She made him sit down on one of the desks and looked at him.
"I will go and fetch the first aid kit, you stay here," she says, heading to the storage room where they kept all the extra material.
It took her a while to find it but she eventually did and walked to where she left Charlie.
She silently sat in front of him, not daring to say a word, although his embarrassed expression couldn't go unnoticed.
"Why did you do that?" She asks softly while disinfecting his knuckle and gently placing a bandaid on them. He just sighed without answering which made the situation even more awkward for Diana who decided to crack a joke.
"Billy can be a Jerk, but that doesn't mean that you can punch him until he bleeds out," she says laughing lightly which he responded with a smile and a light chuckle.
"Today he was being more of a jerk, let's say that" he responds while Diana finished placing a bandaging over his cheekbone after multiple attempts.
Diana just nodded, understanding the fact that he probably did not want to talk about it.
"Okay, I am done," she says.
"Yeah, took you a while" He joked lightly to which Diana just smiled.
"Third time is the charm...isn't it?" She asked rhetorically, to which he just nodded and stood up.
"I would say you are the charm, Diana Barry" he flirted walking back to his seat.
Diana didn't know if she should feel flattered or confused by the comment. She certainly could not deny that Charlie was quite handsome and that he had quite a glow-up during the summer.
But she felt like that place in her heart that he so desperately wanted to enter was already occupied by someone else. The only issue is that she didn't completely understand that.......yet.
What do y'all think? Do you ship Diana with Charlie or with Jerry? Let me also know if there are more ships that you would want me to incorporate.

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