🍂Chapter 9: Waiting 🍂

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"Charlie, may we please speak," Diana asked the curly boy. "Of course," he said while standing up from his seat as Diana led the way to the small storage room for more privacy. She didn't want to just say it out loud in front of everybody, that would just be humiliating for both parts.

"Listen, Charlie...I am flattered, I really am but-" "It's not going to happen" he cut her off mid-sentence while looking down at his feet. "Exactly" She paused, unsure of what to say next. "I kind of knew it to be fair," He said, finally meeting her gaze "That I am not necessarily your type" he concluded. "It's not that, it's just-" But she had no idea how to finish this sentence. She couldn't tell him that she already had someone, he would want to know who, and she couldn't risk jeopardizing her own relationship with Jerry. "It's just that I am not ready for courting yet, Charlie," She lied, "Oh... so I might have a shot in the future?" he asked inching closer and closer, to the point where bending down would be the only move left to kiss the girl in front of him. "Well, Umm, Yeeeees?" She said which sounded more like a question than a statement. But to be fair she already said that the problem wasn't the fact that he wasn't her type, so what other excuses would she have. Plus the smile on his face was full of light and she couldn't just extinguish it. so now Charlie Slone was convinced he had a chance with Diana Barry. "You won't regret it, I promise," he said pecking her on the cheek, wich extremely caught her off guard. And as he left, Diana sat on the floor, contemplating if all this situation was a good idea.

During the rest of the day, Charlie constantly kept stealing glances Diana's way. And altho she felt flattered, she couldn't help but feel guilty. For what exactly? well, she didn't know. Was it because he was leading Charlie on? or was it because by leading Charlie on she was somehow indirectly hurting Jerry? Diana felt extremely confused and just wished school to be over already so she could be with Jerry for a while. Anne noticed the small frown on her face and asked her if there was something bothering her, to which she replied with a small smile and a simple shake of the head? If only she knew.

As the class was dismissed, Diana collected her belongings extremely quickly and jumped out of her seat. And since Anne was going to walk with Gilbert today, she could directly head into the woods where she hoped Jerry would wait for her. And as she walked while admiring the beautiful nature around her, she felt a strong arm pulling her into its chest. She had no need to turn around to know that it was Jerry, so she relaxed and laid even more into him. "Hi" she whispered, to which he replied with a kiss on her temple "How was your day?" She asked as they walked side by side, ignoring the rest of the world around them. "The Cuthberts Gave me a free day so I stayed home," he said with a smile that then transformed into a sad frown. Something that Diana couldn't help but notice "What's wrong?" she asked as they both came to a stop. "I came to your school, to leave Anne her S-Sla-Sle-" He fumbled with the word. "Slate?" she asked and he nodded, sometimes he hated when his french accent got in the way, but Diana actually found it incredibly attractive and adorable. "And I saw this thing, and Anne told me it was a 'Notice Board'" He said, and Diana had a bad feeling to where this was going. "And there was your name, it said that a boy named Charlie noticed you" he finished with a sight "And I am not really sure of what it means" he concluded, Diana was confronting a moral dilemma. Should she tell the truth and send Jerry into paranoia? or should she lie and reassure Jerry? But since she knew that lies didn't bring anywhere, she opted for the truth, "When someone starts to have feelings for you or notice you, he writes it and puts it on the board" She said, and as she looked into his eyes, she could sense his worry. He gulped pretty loudly before asking "It means that, Charlie likes you?" And as much as he tried to hide it, the worry and sadness were clear in his voice, Diana just nodded her head. "And...do you like him?" he asked, voice trembling. At this point, Diana shot him a look of disappointment, "What!? No! Of course not! Why would you say that!?" She asked, extremely frustrated and disappointed. "How could I Not think that!? You are rich a-and I am poor, so why wouldn't you choose this Charlie who can give you more than me!?" He said while running a hand through his sweaty hair. Diana was completely fed up with this, it's the second time that he had doubts on her true feelings. "Would you stop saying that!!" She screamed, which startled Jerry, she wasn't usually one to scream since it was highly improper. "I have never complained nor degraded your social status, yet YOU won't stop degrading mine!" She shot back, which left Jerry without words. "No, Diana, that is n-not it-" he tried to say but got caught off "If you think that I am so untrustworthy, and a spoiled brat then why don't you leave me!?!" She screamed with tears threatening to spill. "I would never leave you, Diana. I am really sorry, I-I wasn't thinking and I apologize" he says, his french accent thicker than usual, but sincerity clear in it too. But still, Diana had way too much stress for one day, she needed a break. "I will go home, please don't follow me, I accept your apology but I still need to cool off" she said, and with that she walked away.

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