4 | woman with a pendant

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Sendai Frogs Match


Hey, Y/N-chan!" you heard a familiar girl's cheerful voice.

You swayed your head, trying to look for her, and there you spotted Yachi waving at you. You recognized her immediately and noticed her tapping the seat next to hers, signaling you to sit there.

"Oh hey," you greeted and approached her, "It's been a while."

"Yep, it has," she agreed and giggled.

"I didn't know you were coming," you told her as you sat down.

"I mean, as you've said, it's been a while since we last hung out, that's why," she answered.

"Also, didn't you hear? Tanaka-san's getting married to Kiyoko-san," Yachi added while you searched through your bag to get the small handmade banner you made.

"Woah, really?" you looked at her, with your hands still on your bag.

"I don't know them that well, but that's surprising," you continued.

"Yup! I remember that Tanaka-san was the one who proposed to her when they first met, what do you think happened?" she asked.

You finally grasped your banner and pulled it out gently.

"Well, what if he proposed all of a sudden again and she actually said yes this time?" you guessed, "Or what if Kiyoko-san was the one who proposed?"

"Speaking of which, do you have plans for marriage, Y/N-chan?" she asked, now the attention is on you.

"M-marriage?" you stuttered.

"Yeah, you've been with him for 5 years now and your 6th year anniversary will be soon, right?"

"H-how did you know that?" you asked her, surprised and flustered.

"Ah, I... I just happened to remember," she answered, now as equally as flustered as you are.

"I don't know, I don't know if Kei wants to, you know," you answered her shyly just before the game began.

"I think he wants to," she teased, "I think," she emphasized.

"It must be nice to have someone like that," Yachi commented.

"I thought you and Yamaguchi are a thing," you teased her, knowing that she had a small crush on him back in high school.

"Nope!" she denied immediately, now getting even more flustered.

"Just confess to him," you advised, "I'm sure it'll be okay."

"I don't like him," she denied again.

"Really, Yachi?"

The game began a seconds later and you readied your small banner for him. He kept the middle blocker role even until now and since you've been together ever since, you're proud to see his growth. From someone who thought of volleyball as a mere club, to actually embracing his passion.

"Ah, their captain is serving first," Yachi spectated.

"I'm sure they'll win," you reassured her, not having a single trace of doubt.

"You sure are confident."

"It's my Kei, after all."

Shortly after, you heard someone call Yachi. It was unfamiliar to you, but it was feminine and sweet voice, something comparable to Kiyoko's.

"Yachi-chan, I'm sorry I'm late," she spoke.

You looked at her and she was fairly beautiful, definitely similar to Kiyoko and you began to be curious. However, unlike Kiyoko, she was much more flashier and fancier. Not to mention her dangling earrings and necklace with a brightly colored pendant. Other than those, you noticed several rings on her fingers. Multiple jewelry like that normally wouldn't flatter anyone's appearance well, but it was different for her, it even complemented her looks.

"Oh, Kitagawa-san, it's just starting," Yachi greeted, "And oh, this is my friend from high school, Y/N."

"Ah, hello, nice to meet you," you bowed your head.

"Hello, I'm Kitagawa Tomone," she introduced herself and took a seat.

"So, how's Kei-chan doing? He told me he hurt his fingers from practice, what a baby," she asked Yachi, even raising her long fingers momentarily.

"Huh? Even I didn't know that."

From that point on, she made you more cautious, self-conscious and even intimidated. You looked at her with contempt and confusion, not knowing what to say. Should you ask her an intimidating question or should you brush it off?

"Kitagawa-san," Yachi whispered her name nervously, as if something was wrong.


"Girl," Yachi continued whispering, now almost inaudible, "friend."

"Oh!" she mouthed with shock.

"Don't tell me she's the one Kei met in the café?" you started to get suspicious.

"Tsukishima blocks their ace for the second time in a row, another point for Sendai Frogs!" the awkward and hostile atmosphere was interrupted by the game spectator yet your cautiousness remained.

Minutes later, Tomone was called by someone and it was your chance to ask something to Yachi.

"Yachi, what department is she from?"

"F-fashion design," she answered you with obvious hesitation.

"I see."

"Are you mad, Y/N?" she asked.

"Why would I be?" you asked her with a cunning smile.

She shook her head, like a request for you to forget the topic already.

"With Tsukishima Kei's serve, will the Sendai Frogs be able to widen the gap?" you heard the spectator.

You were supposed to raise the banner you were holding so proudly whenever Kei would score or when he'd serve. But with your judgement clouded with doubts and speculations, you couldn't bring yourself to do it, especially by the time Tomone returned to her seat.

"What did I miss?" she casually asked, "Who's winning?"

"Well, Tsukki's serving now and Sendai Frogs are winning," Yachi answered with her enthusiasm already down the drain.

The rest of the game went smoothly and his team lead in the first set. There wasn't even a deuce and compared to all his games before, this one was probably the least nerve-wrecking. Kei was in perfect form today and what Tomone said about him hurting his fingers even seemed like a blatant lie.

"Uh oh, I gotta go," Tomoe suddenly said.

"How come? The second set is ending!" Yachi asked.

"New client, extra jewelry commissio-," Tomoe answered with a proud smile and tone before getting interrupted by Yachi.


"She does jewelry commissions? Like, customized rings and necklaces?!"

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