6 | another attempt?

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"Kei," you called him as you spotted him facing the vending machine with Yachi and Yamaguchi.

"Oh, Yamaguchi-kun, you're also here," you added, "Hello."

Kei turned his head and saw you standing a few steps away from him. Not minding the drink and the change that just got dropped, he walked towards you and called your name.

"Congrats on your win, again," you told him, suppressing your doubts for now.

By the time he reached you, neither of you knew what to say.

"So, uh, I, I think, I'll go home now. I still have some work to do," you stuttered your attempt to leave.

"Wait, already? Let's eat first or something," he suggested.

"M-my treat!" Yachi interrupted and let out a nervous smile, trying to make you stay.

"Why with you?" Kei turned around and furrowed his brows. Perhaps he wanted alone time with you.

The smaller blonde simply responded with a nod, still wearing the same smile on her face and insisted, leaving Kei without a choice.

"Okay, fine. Let's eat with Yachi and Yamaguchi," you agreed. Whenever Yachi would insist on something like that, it was too difficult to reject her.

"With me?" Yamaguchi reacted at the back as he picked up Kei's neglected change and drink.

It didn't take long for the four of you to arrive at the restaurant she recommended and for obvious reasons, it seemed like a double date already. Kei sticked to you like glue and so did Yachi to Yamaguchi. You tried to act normal, since there really is a chance that maybe, Kei was meeting Tomone to customize a ring. You hoped that was the case. It seemed like it is.

"Hey, have you received your invitations yet? To Tanaka-senpai and Kiyoko-senpai's wedding?" Yamaguchi tried to lighten up the mood, but it was then again another talk on marriage.

"Yeah, I have. I don't know if I'm coming though," Kei answered, surprising both Yachi and Yamaguchi.

"Huh? Why?" they asked in chorus, "You have to go!"

"My mother wants to go to an overseas trip with my brother and I. And it might fall under that date, I don't know yet," now this surprised you, you've never heard of that.

"Really?" you clarified.

"My mother texted you the other day or something, that's what she told me."

"Ah, so that was what the text was about," you remembered how you ignored her text. Even after 5 years, she didn't approve of you all that much. She probably preferred someone else.

"Then I'm taking Y/N-san as my date in the wedding!" Yachi claimed and teased.

However, instead of Kei reacting as you would expect, it was Yamaguchi who was more frustrated.

"Huh? W-why is she your d-date?"

"Why not? It's not like I have a boyfriend," she pulled out her tongue.

"You don't?" Yamaguchi's face delighted.

"Our food is here," Kei saved Yamaguchi from spilling out his feelings just like that.

You were quiet the entire time and just observed the two in front of you. Kei didn't try to liven up your mood either, you're guessing he already knows about what you know. After the meal, the four of you headed out and split to separate ways. Yamaguchi, surprisingly, offered to take Yachi home and you knew you had to give them some alone time.

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