27 | sugar

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You were nearing your 9th month and there was an endless list of changes you've experienced, both with your body and with Kei.

"Kei, I told you, I'm fine," you reassured him for the third time today.

He sighed in relief and faced in front to press on the doorbell. You were currently in the doorstep of Bokuto's house to attend his "small" birthday celebration. It was a little advance though, since he was too busy on the actual day of his birthday.

"Oh, Tsukki?" you heard his name get called as the door opened, "Tsukki!" he exclaimed, "And oh, Y/N-chan!"

"Happy Birthday, Bokuto-kun," you told him with a smile.

"Happy Birthday," Kei greeted, ironically monotone.

"Woah!" he got surprised as he looked at you and your tummy.

"Hello too," he jokingly said, "Well, come in," he opened the door fully to let you in.

"Oya?" you heard another familiar voice as you took off your shoes, it was definitely Akaashi. "Oya oya?" Kuroo followed, some things never changed.

"Tsukki and Y/N-chan's here!" Bokuto announced and you looked at the people who came over to his 'small' celebration.

"Hey, it's been a while!" you saw Hinata turn around and wave from the sea of people.

"Hey there, Shoyo-kun," you greeted him.

"Woah, so you're really having babies!" he approached you.

"Yes, two of them," you revealed to him.

"T-twins!" he exclaimed, "Woah."

"Hey, who's next?" you heard someone else's voice, you didn't know him.

"Hey, that's my song!" Kuroo pointed and came over the sofa quickly.

"Oh, karaoke?" you looked at the screen.

"Yup, we just started though," Hinata told you.

"Ah, by the way, this is Tsukki and Y/N-chan," Bokuto introduced as another tall blonde walked by. His hairstyle was much different compared to Kei though.

"Oh, I remember you. Glasses guy, the blocker in the Nationals long looong ago," he spoke.

"Ah, Miya Atsumu," Kei recalled his name.

"You still play volleyball?"

"Sometimes," Kei answered him.

"Hey, Tsukishima, go pick a song!" you heard Hinata's loud voice.

"Oh," Kei swayed his head and went to Hinata, you simply lowered your head before following him.

"I'm not singing," Kei turned down Hinata.

"Why not?" you heard another voice and turned around, it was Kageyama.

"Oh, the King is here," Kei tried provoking him again, it obviously doesn't work anymore though.

"Oh, hello, Y/N-san," he greeted.

"Hello, Kageyama-kun."

"Are you singing?" Kei asked and handed him the book.

"Maybe," he answered.

"You two should sing a duet or something, it's been a while, I mean," you suggested.

"Huh, no way," Kei rejected immediately.

"Oh, let's sing a duet, Y/N-chan!" Hinata tapped you and grabbed the book again.

"No, you're not," Kei protested and looked at him with the typical salty look on his face.

"Are you jealous?" Kageyama teased him mockingly. He obviously was.

Suddenly, just as the two began bickering, you felt nauseous again. It wasn't unusual but of course, you had the urge to go to the bathroom.

You slightly crouched, surprising Kei and triggering him to switch back to his dere.

"Are you okay?" he asked you and held your shoulders.

"Hey, you alright, Y/N-chan?" you heard Hinata.

"Yes, I'm fine," you said and put up an effort to straighten your stance.

"Are you sure?" Kei asked, to which you nodded.

"Would you like to sit down?" Kageyama asked and stepped aside, making way for you to sit.


"Ow," you blurted after sitting down.

"W-what is it?" Kei asked, panicked.

"I think the baby just kicked, too," you told him, "Babies," you corrected.

"Babies?" Kageyama asked, "You're having two, Y/N-san?"

"Yeah, they're twins," Hinata answered for you.

Other than that lapse of nausea, you got to enjoy the party with everyone. With everyone but Kei having huge appetites, Bokuto had to order extra food and more pizzas. Kei became even stricter with your diet though.

You got Kei to sing at some point and you sung a part too. Overall, it was a great night with everyone and you became friends with Bokuto's teammates in the MSBY.

"Thanks for coming!" Bokuto waved the others good bye as some were organizing their belongings.

"Oh, by the way, have you thought of names already?" Bokuto asked as you waited for Kei, who was in the bathroom.

"We were thinking of Keiji and Keitaro," you answered him.

"Keiji?" Bokuto was surprised, it even got Akaashi's attention.

"Keiji?" he asked.

"Ah, I insisted on naming them after Kei," you answered, "That's why it's Keitaro, Keitaro."

"Sounds like Kotaro, good choice!" he complimented.

"You're gonna have super tall kids, Y/N-chan," he added, "Will Tsukki teach them to play too?"

"Volleyball?" Kei finally came back.

"Yeah, your kids might be famous like Miya twins or something, heh."

"I'll let them do what they want," he answered and hung your bag on his shoulder.

"Oh, cool!"

"Well, we're gonna get going now," you stood up and bowed.

"Let's go."

"Aw, alright, take care on your way home!" Bokuto said and waved.

"Good bye."

Not long after, you walked out of Bokuto's house with Kei holding your hand.

"I wonder when the babies-"

"K-Kei," you paused walking and crouched again.

"Ow, ow," you mouthed.

"What, what?!" he panicked again, facing you.

"The, the babies are coming," you looked at him, panicking and all shaky.


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