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Days later, the entire Karasuno Volleyball Club, both your batch's and the present team, found out about your engagement and you were overwhelmed with the number of heartwarming messages sent to you.

Unfortunately, at the same time, your brother got creative in findings ways to nag you and Kei. Just the other day, he was spamming your messages with pictures of him and your mom sightseeing in Miyagi, as if those views weren't any familiar to you.

Yesterday, he posted baby pictures of you and him. Those were the bitter days before they left Japan without you but for some reason, he was fond of those memories. And now, he was right there, a few steps away from you and Kei.

"Hey, Y/N-chan!" Rin yelled and waved outside the court upon seeing you and Kei, "Tsukishima-san!"

He was strangely surrounded with some girls. It weirded you out even more.

"What the hell are you doing here?" you asked him with a glare, surprised with his sudden appearance.

"Sorry, gotta go now," he smirked at the women before approaching you and Kei.

"I guess they like halfs, he's half Japanese, after all," you thought.

"Hey, Y/N-chan," he greeted you again, "Is that the right way to greet your big brother?"

"Anyways, mom wants to invite you two for dinner tomorrow," he answered your question.

"Sorry, we're busy," you quickly rejected him. You had plans to have another library date the whole day in preparation for your finals and you'll miss it exactly for what?

"Really? That's too bad. Mom wanted to invite Kei-kun's family too," he pulled off a dramatic disappointed look being the drama queen he is.

"My family?" Kei repeated.

"Yup, like a formal dinner, about the wedding and all that," Rin nodded, "And I haven't approved of you just yet!" he proudly claimed.

"Honestly, I don't really care."

"Yeah, same, I gotta agree on that one," you nodded, emphasizing how insignificant Rin's 'approval' really is.

"Anyways, I'll send you the details. You seem pretty up for it," Rin shook his head, not attempting on a comeback, "See ya."

"Geez, did he go all the way here just for that? He could have sent a text," you commented as he got further away.

"Are we going?" Kei asked and held your hand.

"Do you want to? I don't really care," you answered coldly as you began to walk to the library with him.

"I don't think it'd be too bad."

"With his mom and my brother there, it'd be beyond annoying and frustrating," you thought.

"Ah, wait, you told your mother already, right?" you asked and looked up at him, not too confident on hearing a yes.

"Actually," he muttered, you were right, probably.

"Actually what?"

Tsukishima Residence – 3 days ago

"A wedding?! Seriously, Kei?" Kei recalled his mother's surprised and disappointed voice.

"Mom, they've been together for almost 6 years now. I think that's quite expected already," Akiteru anxiously said in defense of his younger brother.

"And I've disliked her for almost 6 years as well," she clicked her tongue.

"Why do you disapprove of her so much?" Kei asked.

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