bonus chapter | each other

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"Give it to me, Taro!" You heard Keiji's bubbly voice as you watched them play with the other kids.

"No!" Taro decided to give it to someone else.

"Why didn't you?" Keiji whined as their team 'scored.' It was just a match for fun and games.

"I want to be the ace, not you," Taro said.

"They're seriously fighting to be an ace," Kei sighed, "Didn't I tell them that blockers are way better?"

"They want something flashy, Papa," you chuckled, "They'll know what they really want soon."

"Anyway, I made macarons, you want some?" you offered.

"Oh, Coach?" you heard a familiar voice. It was definitely Kei's trainee.

"Huh?" Kei turned around, "Ah, Hiro," Kei recognized him immediately.

"He grew even taller?!" you were surprised.

"Hello, Hiro-kun," you greeted, "What brings you here?" you asked and looked up.

"Hello, Y/N-san! It's been a while," he greeted. He was beaming with energy as usual.

"I was just out for a walk," he answered, "My training just finished," he added.

"Oh, I see," you nodded, "You really went pro, good for you, Hiro-kun."

"Yup, yup!" he nodded and sat next to Kei.

"Are your twins here, Coach?" he asked and looked at the court.

"Yes," he answered confidently, "Can't you spot them?"

"Ah, let's see, twins," he mumbled and looked at the children playing.

"Oh, they stand out too, Coach," he commented as he spotted the two blonde twins.

"I wonder if they remember me," Hiro scratched his head. You recalled that he attended their 6th birthday and even played with them.

"Of course they do," you reassured him.

"Oh, Hiro-niichan!" Keitaro noticed and abruptly stopped playing.

"Hey, don't just leave!"

"Wait, just continue without us, Wakumi," Keiji followed his brother and walked to Hiro.

Keitaro was definitely much more attached to Hiro, given his outgoing personality. Keiji was growing to be a little like Kei, a little distant and a little more quiet.

"Hiro-niichan!" Keitaro exclaimed as Hiro crouched down.

"Hey there, Taro-kun," he ruffled the boy's short hair.

"Won't you play with us again? Pleaaase?" he pleaded.

"Taro-kun, he's a big boy now, big boys go to collage."


"College," Hiro chuckled, "But no, I play pro," he said and carded his fingers through Keiji's hair.


"Yes, I play volleyball, but with the really strong guys," he explained.

"Mama, Papa, I want to be pro!" Keitaro exclaimed and looked at you.

"You want to play against strong guys like Hiro, Taro-kun?" you asked.

"Yes, yes! I'll be the ace," he proclaimed.

"I'll be the ace," Keiji contradicted his brother.

"You two want to be aces, why not setter? Or blocker?" Hiro suggested.

"The one that shines the most is the ace, Hiro-niichan," Keiji answered.

"Yeah, Papa's cool when he spikes! And Uncle too!" Keitaro was referring to Bokuto.

"Then you'll have to learn how to set and spike," Hiro advised, "You set for each other, you spike for each other. Isn't that pretty cool too?"

"P-papa! Teach us how to set!" Keiji looked at Kei.

"Teach me, please, Hiro-niisan!" Keitaro sought for the help of Hiro.

"Eh? I'm a blocker, Taro-kun. Are ya sure?"

After getting hyped and inspired with Hiro's speech, the twins insisted Kei to give them setting lessons, which Kei obviously couldn't reject.

Hours later, as you finally got back home, you tried preparing dinner as soon as you can. The twins, even Keiji, always had a huge appetite after playing.

"Papa, when will you teach us again?" Keiji asked.

"Yeah, teach us tomorrow too, Papa!"

"Papa has work tomorrow," you reminded the kids.

"I'll teach you next time, I promise," Kei ruffled their hair.

"When's next time? You said that too before, Papa," Keitaro whined and pouted.

"Papa did?" Keiji asked and looked at his father.

"Yeah, he said we're gonna have a little sister," he nodded.

"Well, did you hear that, Y/N?" Kei looked at you and you turned around. "K-Kei!"

bonus chapters

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