bonus chapter | school festival pt. 2

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"Go Eiji-chan! You can do it, Taro-chan!" you exclaimed at the small boys running, their ankles tied with a loose rope.

It was the three legged race and the class decided that the twins would have the best cooperation. Their decision was actually pretty good, Eiji was good at dealing with his brother. Whatever pace Taro was in, Eiji would follow, probably for the sake of ending the race.

"Kei, look look," you tapped your husband's arm, "Our twins are leading!"

"Yup, I see that," he said with a nod, zooming the camera to focus more on the two.

"Athletic like you, papa," you remarked with a proud smile. It made Kei smile for a bit too, and ever since you had kids, these seldom occassions of smiling weren't too rare anymore.

"What's the game after this one?" he asked as the two reached the finish line.

"Nice one, Eiji-chan!" Taro exclaimed, beaming with energy and excitement. Contrary to his unfazed brother, Taro even gave him a high five.

"We're a really good duo, Eiji-chan," he complimented and this time, his brother finally let out a soft precious smile. "You did well too, Taro-chan," he complimented back.

The next game was passing the baton and as much as the class wanted the twins to play again for the sake of a sure win, they had to give the others a chance.

The kids decided on who would participate and just like what you expected, Keiji was satisfied watching from afar. Taro, on the other hand, was hyping the other kids, already even excited for the next games.

"Is our Keiji okay with this?" you asked, worried.

"With what?" your husband asked in return.

"I mean, I get that he doesn't really like the spotlight but won't he always be alone?"

"Alone doesn't mean lonely, Y/N. And he has Taro," he reassured. "He's just introverted, that's all."

"You sure he'll be okay?" you worried again.

"I'm sure."

After a few more games, the sports and games portion of the school festival came to an end. It was then time for lunch, one of your most awaited parts.

You placed these newly cleaned blankets under a tree, the spot Kei picked out for the four of you. The other families were nearby and the Ushijimas were just a few steps away.

"Taro, Eiji, why haven't you two changed yet?" Kei scolded and brought out the extra clothes he packed.

"But Papa, we're so hungry," Taro defended.

"Sorry," Keiji responded.

"I thought you were hungry too?" the other wondered as his brother grabbed the clothes from Kei's hands.

"Let's just change clothes." Keiji was definitely good influence on his hard-headed brother.

"Papa, you should go with them," you instructed your husband. "I'll wait for you here."

Kei responded with a nod and led the kids to the changing room. You looked around the picnic area, the families were all beaming with joy. The ambience was lovely, you wished everyday to stay like this. You caught a glimpse of the Ushijimas nearby and even greeted them again, just before Kei came back with the kids.

"Y/N, ugh, finally," Kei groaned upon reaching you. "Taro's so stubborn sometimes."

"He got it from me," you chuckled while they took a seat.

"Alright, Taro, Eiji, I made you your favorite meals, along with dessert," you revealed and placed the bentos on the blanket.

"Mama? Mama made Miso Chicken?" Keiji guessed, it was his favorite afterall.

"Fried chicken?!" Taro exclaimed and tried reaching for a random bento, whichever felt like his, but Kei quickly stopped him. An impulsive kid, really.

"Yes, and yes," you answered and distributed the bento boxes, one for each.

"I made cupcakes, but that's like, for dessert," you added.

"Wow, no wonder you slept so late last night," Kei commented, "And you got up so early too."

"Were you waiting for that long in bed?" you teased.

"Y/N, the kids," he clicked his tongue and looked at the two, both clueless of course.


Taro wasted not a single second and munched on his food, worrying Kei. "Hey, slow down, no one's going to steal your fried chicken," he scolded.

"Papa, but ish gewd!" Taro spoke with his mouth full.

"Do you like it, Eiji-chan?" you asked. He usually had too little appetite.

"Yes, Mama," he answered with a soft smile on his face.

"That's good. You should eat a lot so you'd grow very tall," you advised. "It's an advantage for volleyball, Eiji-chan."

"Because we're twins, we're going to be as tall as each other, right, Mama?" he asked, to which you responded with a nod.

You also ate the food you painstakingly made for hours. You made a simple meal for yourself since it was the last one you made. Taro's bento had dinosaur designs on it while Eiji's had cute flower shaped vegetables.

"Oh, you can still get messy sometimes, Y/N," Kei remarked with a scoff. You tilted your head and raised a brow, unsure what he was talking about.

Before you even noticed, his hand grabbed a tissue and made its way near your chin to wipe something out. He was still sweet in his own way and despite the kids watching, impulsively gave you a peck on the lips.

"Mama and papa, they kissed?!" Taro hushed to Eiji, somehow like gossiping.

"Stop staring," Kei scolded, "Finish your food or I'll eat that."

Ah, here we go again, tsundere Kei.

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