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"What?" Tomone asked in confusion.

Yachi didn't say a word but she was visibly frustrated for some reason.

"Anyways, I really have to go now, Yachi. Also, it was nice meeting you, Y/N-san. See you around," she bid you farewell before walking out.

You simply looked at her and bowed your head as a sign of respect at least.

"Jewelry commissions? Like customization and all that?" you asked Yachi, "Not that I was listening to your conversation, I mean, I sit here," you felt the need to justify.

"Ah, it's nothing, don't mind that too much."

"Uh oh, a deuce," Yachi commented, now averting your attention back to the game.

"A setter dump! What incredible timing," the spectator exclaimed. One more point and the other team wins the second set.

"Uh oh," Yachi sighed.

It was the turn of the other team's captain to serve and you knew very well how precise and powerful his serves were.

"Geez, the timing," Yachi anxiously complained.

"Out! It's out!" Kei yelled to the libero.

"It doesn't seem to be an out!" Yachi exclaimed.

"Or is it?" you guessed.

"Out!" the spectator announced as soon as the flag was raised, making the crowd go wilder.

However, while the two teams struggled for the two points, your head was still full of thoughts about Tomone.

"So, she probably customizes jewelry, well, she does seem to be knowledgeable about jewelry," you thought, not minding the game anymore.

"And Kei might have met with her recently, and she knows something about his fingers."

"Y/N! One more point and Sendai Frogs win," Yachi informed you, her excitement was back.

"And Yachi, she's bringing up marriage and all that," you thought and looked at her.

"A no-touch service ace from the Sendai Frogs captain, truly a remarkable way to end the game!" you heard the announcement and suddenly lost your train of thoughts.

"Let's go meet him!" Yachi suggested and got up.

"Meet him?"

"Yeah, let's go," she told you and grabbed your hand to drag you away from your seat.

You went down the stairs with her as you tried to get back at your confusing analysis.

"Alright, wait here," Yachi instructed you, "I'll look for him for you."


"Just wait there!" she rushed to leave and you obediently followed.

Meanwhile, just right after Kei changed to his clothes in the locker room, his senior called his attention.

"Tsukishima-kun, if you're headed out to buy a drink, can you buy me one too? Come on," the older player asked.

"Actually, I was just about to lea-"

"Thank you, you're very kind," the senior didn't even let Kei finish.

Kei just sighed as he exited the room to go do the small errand. As he opened the door though, a familiar and endearing figure greeted him.

"Ah, Tsukki!" Yamaguchi spoke with surprise and delight written all over his face.

"Oh," Kei mouthed.

"Congrats on your win, Tsukki!" Yamaguchi exclaimed as Kei walked out from the locker room.

"You were watching? And also, I still have to go back to my team," the blonde asked as they walked alongside each other.

"I watched it, though I was late. I only got to watch the second set," he explained.


"Yeah, I had some requirements to do. Sorry, Tsukki."

"It's fine, really."

Kei paused upon spotting a vending machine and got out his wallet from his pocket to buy a drink. As he dropped the coin, the two boys heard someone running to their direction.

"Hey, hey, I have really bad news for you. She's getting really suspicious now," Yachi rushed towards the and informed them with a panicked look.

"Huh?" it was Yamaguchi who seemed more alarmed, "Y/N-chan?"

"Kitagawa-san came to watch your game and she didn't know it was Y/N beside me," she explained.

"What happened then?" Kei asked as he pressed the vending machine button.

"Then, she asked how you were, and she told us your fingers hurt."

"Huh?" Yamaguchi mouthed, now due to confusion, "And what?"

"It's a big deal, you know. Kitagawa-san's a complete stranger to her and she probably thinks you're close with her and that.... Kitagawa-san knows more about you," Yachi explained.

"Huh?" the smaller boy titled his head, "What's going on?"

Kei groaned out of his frustration, "Great, now my girlfriend probably thinks I'm cheating or something."

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