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(While Blue and Dust were talking)

(3rd Person POV)

  Error was waiting on the roof of the Star Sanses house. He saw in the distance Blue talking to Dust, he wasn't even aware that Dust left the mansion, but he was waiting for Ink.

  He wanted to talk to him, he needed to talk to him. He wanted to have a normal conversation but still get the answers he wanted.

  Once Ink walked outside, Error dropped beside him. Ink was startled and shielded himself with a paint bubble and Error felt guilty as he tried to calm Ink down.

  Ink slowly let the bubble melt away, asking Error wanted with him. Error explained he just wanted to talk.

  They walked to a secluded park and started a conversation. "So first of all, how are you? Be honest" Error asked Ink.

  "Oh, I could be doing better. How about you?" Ink responded. "Like normal, what about Blue or Dream?" Error asked.

  "Dream is a bit off, but Blue is happy like normal" Ink knew this wasn't the truth, but he didn't want to reveal Blue's secrets.

  "How's your group?" Ink smiled. "For once, happy well except Reaper who's tired from having to work overtime for like a month and being a bitch about it" Error sighed.

  "That sounds like him, but also why so much work all of a sudden?" Ink asked. "Maybe an AU or two collapsed, the code being too weak or Sci sleep hacking it again" Error reasoned.

  "True, Oh! That reminds me, I should really watch over the AUs now, sorry Error. Gotta go, bye!" Ink teleported to a random AU.

  Error waved goodbye and teleported to OuterTale. He hung out were he normally did and started knitting with his strings.

(With Ink)

  He was checking the code for most of the AUs when he noticed something weird about Dream's AU. He ignored it though when he noticed that someone messed up AlterReap's code.

  He teleported over to Sci, who had been asleep at his desk. Probably sleep hacking, so Ink walked over to him and pulled his chair away.

  Ink then quickly got Sci in his bed. He was tempted to just strap him down to his bed but that would freak him out.

  So he just got Outer to watch him. Ink got back to work and had rewrote the coding Sci messed up accidentally.

  When he got back to the base, Dream was gone. Blue was too, probably still watching over AUs. Ink decided to go to OuterTale.

  He went to his favorite spot, like Blueberry he had one too. He liked to express himself a similar way Blue did, by singing.

(Ink's POV)

  I didn't have a lot of anger towards Dream today, we haven't gotten into a fight lately. Let's see when was our last fight.

  Two days ago at 3:00 PM? That's about 48 hours. New record, that beats 42 hours. Maybe he's getting back to the way he used to?

  Anyways, I started singing.  Whatever I had thought of, which happened to be Touch by Sleeping At Last.

  "When will I feel this, As vivid as it truly is. Fall in love in a single touch, and fall apart when it hurts too much?" I started, feeling a presence near me.

  "Can we skip past near-death clichés. Where my heart restarts, as my life replays?" I see in front of my face an outline of a SOUL, Reminding me of my lack of one.

  "All I want is to flip a switch. Before something breaks that cannot be fixed" I tried to dismiss it, but it replayed one of my memories.

  "I know, I know - the sirens sound. Just before the walls come down. Pain is a well-intentioned weatherman, Predicting God as best he can," It was the memory of me ripping my SOUL.

  "But God I want to feel again" I desperately sung.

  "Rain or shine, I don’t feel a thing, Just some information upon my skin" I put my hand on my neck, tracing the patterns that lie there.

  "I miss the subtle aches when the weather changed, The barometric pressure we always blamed" I painted a little rain cloud that turned into a storm cloud.

  "All I want is to flip a switch, Before something breaks that cannot be fixed." I dismissed the cloud.

  "Invisible machinery, These moving parts inside of me" I had a scared tone in my voice.

  "Well, they’ve been shutting down for quite some time, Leaving only rust behind." I dipped my head down.

  "Well I know, I know - the sirens sound, Just before the walls come down. Pain is a well-intentioned weatherman, Predicting God as best he can." I smiled and let a couple tears slip.

  "But God I want to feel again, Oh God I want to feel again." I desperately sung again, wanting to feel any real emotion.

  "Down my arms, a thousand satellites, Suddenly discover signs of life." I ended the song there.

  Then, I turned and saw Error. He looked at me with curiosity, but also sympathetically. But I could feel my fake emotions slipping away, don't tell me I didn't take enough to last me the day again!

  But alas, it was too late. And I left my vials at home. God fucking damnit.

  I stared blankly now at Error, his face looked confused.

  "Woah, Ink! Are you okay?" He asked.

"Dunno. Maybe, maybe not". He looked worried now. I started to walk away when I heard Blue singing. He was close to 3/4 through his song.

  Error approached me and tapped my shoulder. For a quick second, I felt something. But before I could talk, I passed out suddenly.

  When I woke up, I was in my bed. A bag of Cheerios was on my dresser, I guess I should eat it. Blue probably put it there for me.

  As usual, I started drawing. But I was eating the Cheerios while doing it. When I had finished, it was a horrible drawing of me from earlier.

  I shoved it under my bed, along with the others. I was still bored, but not tired. Then I noticed a small item in the corner of my room with a note on it.

  When I got closer, it was a puppet like the ones Error made. It was of himself though, it was slightly off and didn't really look like him.

  The note read, "Here, I couldn't get it to look normal for some reason. Considering you like to create, I thought I'd give it to you. Do with it as you please. -Error".

  I then started on making the adjustments. I had to fix the jacket, neck, and eyelights. I then set the puppet down on a chair near my bed.

  I was still not sleepy yet, it was 4:30 currently. I just started mumbling things to myself before I slipped into a hopefully semi peaceful sleep.

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