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(Continued from the last chap)

(TW: Mentions of possible character death, Mentions of cutting, and people crying)

(Dust's POV)

We had all been thinking for a while now. My mind can't get off of the fact that Blue was hurting in this way so much.

I felt as if my SOUL had broken, if this is how much whatever is possessing Dream has hurt them. Then we are not sending them back to that place.

Before I knew it, I was crying. I felt weak and vurnerable for showing emotions in this way. I wiped my face constantly so the tears could go away but they didn't.

Blue then turned to me, and I saw how guilty he looked. I tried to reassure him he wasn't to blame. Neither of us won the discussion.

We touched foreheads and I calmed myself down to the feeling of security he gives me. I felt warm, I couldn't tell if it was because I was blushing or something else.

After a minute, I opened my eyes to see magic swirling around Blue's wrists and healing the cuts to barely visible scars.

I was amazed, was this my magic? I was confused, but sat there with a look of wonder on my face. I practically could hear the ghost of Papyrus scowling at my 'waste' of my LV.

I looked back at him and stuck my tongue out at him, and went back to playing with my magic.

"Want are you doing Dust?" Blue asked.

"The ghost of his Papyrus follows him around, very rude when angry. Dust just acts like a five year old when he does" Killer explained.

Ink had woken up at this point. I just realized he was fully monochrome now. "Ink? Are you okay?" Error had asked.

Ink looked at him, nodded and turned his head forwards. Blue had a sad look on his face, "Ink, were are your vials?".

"I shoved them under my bed before-" Ink was cut off by Error, "We know, please don't say it".

"Reaper, could you go get them?" Error asked. Reaper teleported away, bringing Geno along for an unknown reason.

"Blue, are you okay?" I ask. He was going to nod his head, but he stops and shakes it instead.

"It's just- I feel that Ink does so much for me. You've made me feel better multiple times, what do I do? Do I make anyone happy? Does anyone enjoy my existence?" He mumbles.

"I do" I say before I could stop myself. My face flushes as he looks at me in surprise.

"Why wouldn't I? Your amazing! You can find the best in people, you could keep yourself alive during fights with us, your have an amazing voice and your so kind! If-" I get stopped by Blue hugging me.

"Thank you". I smile and hug him back, starting to cry again. But this time because of a different reason. When he pulls away he gets kind of worried.

"Are you okay? Your crying!".

"I'm fine, I just haven't had a hug in a while. It feels nice" I reassure him. He smiles at me, which makes me smile.

At this point, Reaper comes back with Geno. Reaper was on Geno's back and was carrying Ink's sash.

"What happened?".

"Ink has a bunch of painting of him and his SOUL shattering under his bed. Most are partially scribbled over, or ripped and torn" Geno explained.

This didn't help Error's situation. He looked even sadder, and he put a hand on Ink's shoulder. Suddenly, Ink's colors and emotions returned.

He looked down, and started crying. He was trying to stop his crying, like I did and I motioned for Error to calm him.

Error put Ink's sash on him, and Ink took some of his vials. He still had a lot left, but he ran to the other rooms. Error quickly followed him.

I noticed Blue was starting to cry. I hugged him and told him softly, "You should get some sleep, come on". He has me carry him as we walk out, but just before I do say something to the others.

"It's 9:30 guys, go to bed". They all start getting ready for bed. I turn to Blue, "Do you want to sleep in a spare room? Or somewhere else in the mansion that Night calls a house?". Blue giggles at that and I swear my SOUL skipped a beat.

"Your room if that's fine, You calm me" Blue smiles. I walk to my room and place him on my bed.

"I've got to change, you can borrow some of my clothes or just take off some of yours like Cross does. He just sleeps in his fucking outfit but just with less layers". Blue laughs.

I grab a black long sleeve and a pair of grey shorts. I let Blue go through what I have as I go to one of the million bathrooms Nightmare's got here.

When I come back, Blue's wearing one of my grey turtlenecks and a pair of sweatpants. We lay down and I almost fall off if he hadn't grabbed my hand and pulled me up.

He couldn't really fall asleep, probably too scared to after that one nightmare. I admit, I am too after what's happened today. He curls into my side and I wrapped my arms around him.

He falls asleep quickly after that, and I'm glad. I start to fall asleep shortly after he does, listening to the sound of his quiet snores.

Just as I do, a glitchy voice rings and echoes throughout the giant mansion.


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