One ⇛ Home

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Warning~Katsuki's foul mouth :)

A tired boy rushed through the empty halls, trying to find his new class. This was his first day, even though school had already started for the majority. He pushed his glasses up further and he finally saw his class name boarded onto the wall. "Class 1A: Hero Course". He stood in front of the large doors and rubbed his face quickly, trying to wake himself up. "I can do this," he mumbled to himself, then sighed, knocking on the door.

"Come in."

The door opened and all eyes were on the new face in the room. He was dragging something along with him, and the students stared, wide-eyed. "Oh, the new student," the teacher said. Tired eyes bore into the new tired ones and then he turned to his class. "This is the new transfer student from America. I hope you all treat him with respect. Introduce yourself and then head to the only empty seat in the class."

The boy bowed his head curtly at the teacher, gazing at his future friends. "Hi. My name is Akatani Mikumo. It's very nice to meet you," he spoke in fluent Japanese, startling them.

The class erupted. "What's your quirk?" Asked a very buff, but nice looking red head. He smiled kindly at the boy, so Akatani smiled tiredly back.

"Oh, well if you could tell already-" he unfurled his large wings from his back, shocking the class. His ears atop his head twitched. "-I'm a bat." Oohs and awes came from the students.

"You're not going to like, suck our blood, are you?" Spoke an electrifying blonde student. Akatani shook his head.

"No, I'm not a vampire bat," he yawned softly. "Sorry. I mostly eat a little bit of everything, but not human blood." The kid nodded and smiled.

"Alright, enough questions," the teacher spoke. Akatani folded his wings behind him politely and turned towards him. "You can ask him questions later after class. Akatani, call me Mr. Aizawa, and you'll be seated in front of Bakugou. He's right over there," he gestured to an angry looking blonde kid. The boy nodded and headed over to his seat, before his singular visible eye saw a familiar face.


The boy looked up from his notes and his eyes widened. "Mikumo!" The class was visibly confused.

"After class," Aizawa mumbled.

Akatani nodded and headed to his desk in front of Bakugou. Once he sat down, the blonde growled, "How the hell am I supposed to see?"

Akatani turned his head to look at him. "S-Sorry," he said, then after a moment, his wings and bat ears were gone. Now he just looked like a normal boy. The class had so many questions for him, but they held their tongues.

"Alright," said Aizawa. "We need a class representative. I don't care how you do it, just get it done by the end of class. I'm gonna take a nap." Akatani watched enviously as the man crawled into a yellow sleeping bag and fell asleep. The class immediately exploded into quiet yelling on who to pick for the class rep as to not disturb Aizawa. Akatani knew he didn't want to be class rep, as he was too quiet in crowds and wouldn't be a good one, so he laid his head on the desk as his class argued.


He was nudged from his slumber and he groaned softly, rubbing his eyes. "Oh, hi, Izuku," Mikumo said softly as he yawned. The green haired boy in front of him smiled shyly.

"We're gonna start voting who the class rep is. Wanna join?" He smiled. Mikumo yawned and nodded.

In the end, a nervous looking Izuku and a really pretty girl with a black ponytail stood at the front of the class. For a moment, Aizawa looked up at the two, grimaced tiredly, then flopped back down. "It seems as if Midoriya got the most points," a blue haired kid with glasses concluded, waving his arms around. "And Yaorozu got the second most points, assigning her as deputy." Mikumo noticed that Izuku looked terrified to be the class rep. Mikumo had ended up voting for him, because he knew nobody else in the class.

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