Six ⇛ Fun

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Warning~Katsuki :)

It was the weekend. After the Sports Festival, everyone was given 2 days off. For the bat boy, Akatani Mikumo, he was walking around the streets of Japan alone, figuring he shouldn’t waste the day away sleeping. He had asked for Izuku to come with, but he had more training to do. Mikumo sighed softly, fiddling with his wing beside him. He was sure that it was important, but why couldn’t they train together? Maybe Izuku was training the quirk he wouldn’t tell him about.

We tell each other everything, though… he pondered, bumping into someone suddenly. “A-Ah! I’m sorry…!” He looked up and saw the familiar blonde glaring down at him.

“Fucking watch it, Yamikumo bat,” he seethed, causing the smaller boy to shrink back. His visible eye flickered to the little truck they were standing outside of.

“You like spicy noodles?”

Bakugou grunted, rolling his eyes. “Yeah? You got a fucking problem with that, extra?”

Mikumo shook his head, then thought of something. He knew it would end up bad, but he smiled. “I-I like them too!” he said with confidence. Bakugou stared at him, then smirked.

“Is that so?” The boy nodded, smiling nervously. “Alright. We’ll see about that.” He chuckled to himself. Soon enough, Bakugou got his order of spicy noodles and the two boys sat across from each other at a picnic table nearby. Mikumo gulped as Bakugou slid the bowl of spicy noodles over. “Eat it.”


“If you’re anything like Deku, then I know you don’t like spicy noodles.”Akatani glared. He knew Bakugou was right, but he was upset at Izuku, so he grabbed the bowl and fork and started shoveling down the noodles. Once he swallowed about two mouthfuls, he froze. Heat rose in his throat and his insides felt as if he had swallowed lava. His nose scrunched as he watched Bakugou smirk. The heat got too much and Mikumo let out a yelp of pain, panting like a dog. He needed water. Milk. ANYTHING to make the pain away. Bakugou burst out laughing as Mikumo ran around the place looking for something to drink. He placed a glass of milk on the table and Mikumo heard, rushing over and chugging it quickly. He slammed the glass down and panted, his face red and tears streamed down his cheeks. People stared at the two weirdly.

“...never...again…” Mikumo sighed, sitting down. He watched as Bakugou laughed, and his heart fluttered. He had never heard the angry boy laugh before. Soon they were both laughing, and once they had calmed down, Bakugou began to eat. Mikumo glanced at him every now and then, then got quiet, thinking. “U-Um, Bakugou?”


“I…” he hesitated. “I apologize for what happened at the beach. I didn’t know I did that.” He pointed at his own neck. Bakugou glared. “My quirk, when activated at night, I tend to not know what I did the next day when I wake up. I remembered when you told me at the Sports Festival. I’m really sorry.”

Bakugou looked down at his bowl. “Whatever. Just get it under control.”

Mikumo nodded. He paused. “You did really well in the Sports Festival. Sorry I pulled that trick on you the very last moment.”

“Whatever. Dare I say, you’re strong, not like any other extra else in the class.” Mikumo’s eye widened. Did Bakugou just compliment him?

“Thank you…!”

“Shut up.”

Mikumo laughed lightly. “You almost managed to beat me. You just pissed me off enough to knock you down.” His thoughts wandered over to how Bakugou used his father against him. That means he heard the conversation I had with Mr. Aizawa…

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