Five ⇛ Hero

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Warning~Sad boy hours :(

A small child ran down the corridor of the large castle-like house. Something was happening to him, but he wasn't scared. He was excited, his eyes glowing. "Momma! Dadda!" he cried out, running into the room filled with really tall people. His parents were having a dinner party, but after his discovery, he didn't care about anybody seeing him. People fell silent as the little four year old ran to his father, who was chatting with his wife. "Dadda!" the child said happily, running to his father's arms.

The father was shocked as he held his son, well aware of the onlookers. "Miku? Are you okay? You passed out after we came back home." The child was grinning.

"Something happened, Dadda!" In a flash, the little boy's appearance was different. Big bat ears sat atop his head in his mess of black hair. In his big smile, two small fangs jutted out, and big wings came out of his back between his shoulder blades. Everyone was shocked, to say the least. The boy's mother started crying happily. "I got my quirk..!"

Mikumo's father smiled brightly and hugged his son, and the many people around them cheered.



Akatani Mikumo

Age: 8

Quirk- Bat


For a few years now, Akatani Mikumo, the adopted son of Barabra and Bruce Akatani, trained with his parents to help improve his quirk. Living in Gotham City with his parents proved to be difficult. The city was a major crime zone, so there were never any kids for Mikumo to go play with. He was homeschooled, his teacher surprisingly being Alfred, the Manor's butler. According to Mikumo, he was an excellent teacher.

The young boy had begged that he went on patrol with his father, and now he skipped happily next to his father as they were out at night. Mikumo would much rather be awake at night then during the day. "Do you think any villains will be out tonight, Father?" he asked, looking up at his father. His father was clothed in a gray full-body suit, black combat boots, black gloves, a mask that covered his face and head, only showing his mouth and eyes, the mask going back to turn into a cape, and a yellow utility belt. Mikumo only wore a gray full-body jumpsuit with black boots and a black cape. His large bat wings jutted out behind him as they walked through the grim city.

"I'm not sure, Miku," he said lowly. "For now, just stay by my side and don't wander. Gotham City is a dangerous place." The boy nodded along to what he said and looked around, the moon shining down on the dark city.

"Well, well, well!" cried out a happy voice, causing the two to stop in their tracks. A person appeared out of the shadows, a large smile on his pale face. "If it isn't Batman himself!" He cackled, stepping out from the alley he stood in and went under a streetlight. He was a tall man with short green hair. His face was as white as a sheet of paper, red lipstick around his lips and up his cheeks, which stretched when he smiled wickedly. He had on dark purple gloves and a lighter purple suit.

"Joker.." Mikumo's father said darkly, getting into a fighting stance, glaring at him.

"Did ya miss me?" The Joker said with a grin. "How sweet of you!"

A scream suddenly rang out as a hand grabbed Mikumo's arm, and he was pulled into someone. "Aw! Who's this little guy??" said the voice of the woman that held him captive from his father. Mikumo knew not to struggle, but it didn't mean he wasn't any less terrified. The woman had very light blonde hair, which was put in pigtails. The tips of her pigtails were dyed pink and blue. She wore a red and black jacket that was unzipped, revealing a white shirt displaying the words: "Daddy's Lil Monster". She also wore very short black and red shorts, along with fishnets. She had what seemed to be a very big sledgehammer. Mikumo's father whipped his head towards his terrified son.

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