Three ⇛ Villains

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Every student stared in awe at the inside of the building. Inside were different environments, like city and shipwreck, for example. Even Akatani was impressed at the layout of the entire place.

"Welcome to the USJ, Class 1A!" Thirteen said happily. "Here we'll be doing rescue training! Every hero needs to learn how to handle different environments when saving people...-"

Akatani inched away from the group, staring down from the top of the staircase. The boy stared down at the empty space, then froze as he sensed something. "Sir!" Hr cried out to Aizawa. Thirteen paused in her lecture and everyone looked at the quiet boy. Aizawa stepped forward, glaring intensely at the boy. Before he could say anything, Akatani pointed down the staircase. "I can't see very well, but I sense there's something there. Can you see it?"

The adult glared to where he was pointing and his eyes widened as he saw a purple void, dozens upon dozens of people spilled out.

"It's this part of the test?" Called out the tall purple haired student, Shinso Hitoshi.

"Everyone stay back!" Aizawa called, gently knocking Akatani back into Midoriya, who caught him. "Thirteen! Protect the students! These are villains! I'll hold them off!"

"S-Sir!" Akatani called out to the pro hero. Aizawa looked back at him. "Please be careful.."

Aizawa narrowed his eyes and nodded. "Heroes always have other tricks up their sleeves." He launched himself towards the hoard of villains. Akatani worried deeply for his hero and teacher. Everyone huddled together as instructed, watching fearfully as their teacher rushed forward. Shinso looked the most worried.

"We should try to escape!" Sero said, earning agreements from everyone. As Thirteen ushered us to go to the door, the same blackish purple mist appeared.

"Sorry, not so fast," said a voice. The void seemed to have eyes, piercing yellow ones, as he blocked the children's path. "My name is Kurogiri. Unfortunately, we can't have you escaping." Most of the girls clung together in fear. The boys looked uneasy.

"How did they even get in? Wouldn't the alarms have gone off?" Uraraka asked.

"They probably have someone that can cut the alarms," Izuku said as he frowned in concern. "If we can distract Kurogiri, perhaps Iida could run out the doors. He's the fastest in the class!" Everyone looked towards Iida, who was shocked.

"If that works, he could run back to school and get the pros!" Ashido exclaimed happily.

"We just have to find a way to dis-"

"DIE!" cried the voice of Bakugou. Everyone looked over in horror as Bakugou and Kirishima ran at Kurogiri, causing the mist to chuckle. Once they reached him, everything went black.


Akatani groaned softly as he opened his eyes. Everything was blurry. His glasses on his face were broken, much to his displeasure. "Dammit.." he muttered, sitting up. He was where Aizawa was, just where the villains couldn't reach him. He could sense the amount of villains in the area thanks to his echolocation, but he didn't like it.

"Heh, look! Just a scrawny kid laying around!" Said a voice. Akatani sensed two people coming towards him. He was quick to stand as he faced them, glaring.

"Back off," Akatani muttered, only making the two smile.

"Not a chance, pipsqueak!" Laughed one of them as they ran at him. The boy sighed and grabbed one of them by the arm, swinging him into the other person, letting both of them slam into the ground with a groan. Akatani hummed slightly and activated his bat features, flying above the villains. It seemed as if everyone was separated due to the blast. He hoped Izuku was okay.

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