Eight ⇛ Internship (pt. 2)

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Previously on RECKLESS:

"I-I chose Dark Hero: Yamikumo!" he stated nervously, looking at Midnight. He caught a glance at Bakugou and the blonde was a little shocked.

"Reckless, huh?" Midnight inquired. She then smiled. "Passed!" Akatani let out a relieved sigh and fluttered back to his seat, shooting a grin at Bakugou.


"As you all know, during the Sports Festival, heroes will be scouting to find interns. You will all go on a week-long internship with a hero that you'll be picking from these lists that I'll be handing out."

He approached his teacher. "Um...Mr. Aizawa?"

As the scruffy man was about to resort to his sleeping bag, he turned to his student. "Yeah?"

Akatani fiddled with his wing slightly. "Um...I couldn't help but notice that your name was on my list." He hesitated. "Could I really be your intern?" he fanboyed a bit. Aizawa bit back a smile and kept his straight face.

"Sure. You could be my intern."


"I'm sorry I've been distant ever since you've been here," he began. Mikumo sat, staring at him. He knew where this was headed, so he just sat and listened. "I know we tell each other everything, but there's been something I've been keeping from you." He let out a breath. "I...I was quirkless."


"Hey, Uncle Shota," Shinso greeted. Akatani froze. He looked between Shinso and Aizawa a couple times in shock.


The other two stared at the freaked out boy. "Yeah."

Akatani sighed. This is going to be a long week, they all thought.



Akatani stood next to Shinso in their gym uniforms, listening intently as Aizawa gave them instructions. "So you want us to fight each other?" Shinso clarified, staring at his uncle.

Aizawa nodded. "Correct. It'll be just like the Sports Festival. You both need to train your quirks in order to be great heroes. Eventually, you'll both have the opportunity to try and take me down." Both boys were shocked. "Get in positions. I'll tell you when to start." The two nodded and headed out onto the field on opposite sides, glaring at one another. Once Aizawa decided they were ready, he nodded curtly. "Begin."

Akatani quickly flew at Shinso and threw punches at him. Shinso grinned and caught every one of his punches, making Akatani hiss angrily. "What's wrong, bat? Losing?"

"What-" Akatani froze up and collapsed to the ground in a heap. He felt like a statue. W-Why can't I move?! He thought, watching mindlessly as Shinso grinned above him. His quirk..! Akatani groaned internally, listening as Aizawa announced Shinso as the winner for that round. The purple-haired boy released his quirk and held out a hand to Akatani.

"Short match," he said, helping the boy up. "Remember who you're going against." The smaller boy nodded, thanking him for the advice. He flew to the other end of the field again to start once more.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2020 ⏰

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