Two ⇛ Field Trip

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((A/N: There's a song in this??? If you recognize it, let me know! Enjoy!))

Warning~Katsuki's foul mouth :)

A figure flew through the night around the city. Akatani set his home location on his phone so he wouldn't get lost. He ditched his glasses back at home and flew through the warm Japanese night. He breathed in the air and smiled. Everything was so different from America. The bat boy loved it here.

He flew over a really clean beach, then stopped, flying above it. He could sense something was there. He flew down and sniffed, smelling caramel. Caramel? He questioned himself. He silently flew down and floated upside down in front of the person. They had their eyes closed. Oh, it's Bakugou. Akatani slightly scowled, but then put on a large smile. "Hiya!"

Bakugou snapped open his red eyes and yelled in surprise, his hands crackling. "What the fuck? Batty? What the fuck do you want?"

Akatani giggled and landed on his hands on the sand in a handstand. "Hi, Bakugou! How's it going? I noticed you out here while I was flying around and decided to drop by! Whatcha doing?"

Bakugou growled and stood up. "I was thinking, but you're being fucking loud, so I can't. Fuck off."

"Aw, you're no fun! I wanna play!" He whined, now standing upright. He pouted.

Bakugou laughed. "No."

"Why not?"

"Because, now fuck off before I blow you up!"

Akatani sighed, still atoning a large grin. "I don't know why my cousin admires you so much. You're not very lively."

Bakugou stopped walking. "What?"

"You don't think I know who you are? You're Katsuki Bakugou, or the other way around, I don't know! I'm still not caught up with Japanese terms. I know how you've treated Izuku these past years. He tells me everything!" Akatani flared his wings out in anger, hissing at Bakugou, who turned, glaring. Akatani was simply being crazy, as Bakugou thought. He bounced on his feet, his ears and wings bobbing as his smile never left.

"That's right, I heard the story over and over again!" He grinned. Bakugou stared in confusion. What's wrong with Americans? "Gee, it's swell to finally meet his other friends."

The bat jumped in front of Bakugou, grinning. "That's right, I heard the story, don't really like how it ends! Gee, it's swell to finally meet his other friends." He shoved him back, causing Bakugou to seethe in anger. His hands snapped, crackled, and popped.

"What the fuck are you doing?! Don't fucking put your shitty bat hands on me!"

Akatani giggled. "You know, I was in America a long time and never had the chance to meet you in person! What did he say about me? What did he saaayyy? What did you do without me? What did you doooo? Did you play games without me? What did you playyyy?"

He got in Bakugou's face as the blonde was about to attack him. Akatani booped his nose, giggling happily, but angry at the same time. "Did you think all this time that I wouldn't find out about you? That's right I heard the story over and over again! Gee, it's swell to finally meet his other friends."

Bakugou launched an explosion at Akatani, but he gracefully dodged. Explosion after explosion, Akatani flew through them and kicked Bakugou back, causing him to grunt and roll in the sand. He panted and got up, his arms feeling heavy. Bakugou glared. "Who the fuck are you?"

Akatani froze in front of him, his eye wide. He grew angrier, his wings flared out, and the white of his eye turned back, his pupil blood red. He hissed. "Who am I? Who am I? What are you even saying? I'm the loser of the game you didn't know you were playing!" He stomped forward, getting hit by Bakugou's attack. It threw him back into the sand. He grunted. "Let's play another game, this time I get to win! Life on the line, winner takes all, ready or not, let's begin!!"

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