Four ⇛ Sports Festival

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Warning~ Katsuki? Yes. :)

Yamikumo: r e c k l e s s

After the USJ attack, students had been given a few days off to recover from the attack. School had started for the students again, and everyone was sitting in class, waiting for a teacher to arrive to teach them. Akatani had his wings wrapped around himself to keep himself warm as he napped, but his eyes shot open when he and everyone else saw their injured teacher.

"Aizawa!" Cried most of the class in shock. Akatani stood up immediately in shock, flaring out his wings, almost hitting Bakugou.

"Sir! You're in no condition to be here!" He said worriedly, surprising the other students.

"I'm perfectly fine," he muttered through his medical gauze. "We have more pressing matters to discuss," he said, gaining the attention of the class as Akatani sat down. The class was silent and someone could cut the tension with a knife. Finally, he spoke up. "The UA Sports Festival is upon us."

The class sighed. They thought it was something bad.

"But sir!" Iida stood up, waving his hands. "Won't this call attention to ourselves, seeing as we were just attacked by villians?"

"The school is going to make sure nothing like that happens at the festival this year," Aizawa assured. "Everyone in this class will need to focus on training their quirk if you want to manage to get an internship when the festival is over. Many heroes will be watching, as it is broadcasted worldwide, and heroes will be able to pick who they want to intern with, understand?"

"Yes sir!"

He sighed. "Good. Let's get started. And Akatani," the boy shot his head up from his desk. "Meet me after class. We need to talk." The boy gulped and nodded, ignoring the stares he got from his classmates.


Class had just ended and now it was lunch. Akatani was going to go over to Izuku for lunch, but then he remembered that Aizawa wanted to talk to him. " wanted to talk to me, sir?" He asked as he approached the injured man.

"How's your wrist?"

"Um...kinda hurts, but I'll be okay," he smiled shyly, wiggling his fingers in the cast.

"Why did you come and help me?" Aizawa suddenly asked, startling Akatani.

"Y-You're my teacher, sir! You were terribly injured so I rushed to help."

"There's another reason too, isn't there?" he said quietly.

Akatani was quiet. He nodded. "It's kind of embarrassing're one of my favorite heroes." The boy was looking anywhere but at his teacher, so he didn't catch his shocked face. "You've been my favorite ever since I can remember, and I know you hate social media and all that, but I still managed to find out about you. I've been wanting to be like you for such a long time and it's such an honor for you to be teaching me, sir.." He had little tears in his eyes. "I'm sorry I wasn't able to help you further when that Nomu attacked you."

Aizawa was silent for a moment as he thought things over. "Akatani," the said boy glanced up at him. "Why do you want to be a hero?" Aizawa saw as the boy tensed.

"I'm from America, sir. I know that America isn't as great as Japan, but I grew up in...the bad part of New Jersey." Red eye pierced black eyes. "Gotham City." Both were silent. "My adoptive father was Bruce Akatani, hero name: Batman."


He nodded. "He died when I was 8 years old. He died from one of Gotham's worst villain duo, the Joker and Harley Quinn." He sighed. "I told my father that I always wanted to be a hero, like him, even if he and my mother were quirkless. I was going to be my father's pride and joy, I promised him, and after he died, I came to Japan to get into UA and be the hero I was born to be. To be with Izuku and my aunt. It's the least I can do for my father now. I know my parents aren't my real ones, but I know who I am. Mr. Aizawa: Why do I wanna be a hero? Because being a hero is in my blood."

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