Chapter 14

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Jaehyun pushed his legs as fast as they could go, just enough to be ahead of his father. Jungkook laughed, "You think I can't beat you? I'm not that old yet." The Alpha rushed past the younger heading into a new pack territory.

After years and years of begging, Jaehyun had officially been able to go on raids with his father. He had grown tremendously, his wolf looking more like his father's everyday, although his eyes resembled his mother's. The two stopped at the border waiting for the others to catch up. Jungkook paced back and forth while Jaehyun was looking around the small pack.

"I hope Tae will be okay..." Jaehyun looked at his father with sad eyes.

"Mom will be okay, just give it some time." Jungkook nodded, brushing his head against his son's before the others arrived. Jungkook began to explain the plan, Jaehyun paying no attention as usual. He had gone through this enough times to know by now.

The young pup's wolf was trying to guide him somewhere, it was a strange feeling. He needed to get in the pack area, there was a scent drawing him in, it was intoxicating. Soon Jungkook was leading the small group into the pack forcing Jaehyun out of his thoughts.

There was a small group forming in the middle of the pack area, Jaehyun was looking around desperately trying to find the scent that was driving him crazy.

Jungkook was too occupied advancing on the pack's alpha to notice his son take a small step forward.

"Mate." Jaehyun's voice was loud, almost coming out like a growl. Any trace of the usual kind and caring boy gone as a possessive side came out of him.

A small white haired omega stood slightly hidden by the pack, his legs were shaking, slightly from fear but also a sense of happiness, he had found his mate. The timid boy took a shaky step forward, almost asking for clarification. Jaehyun nodded, motioning for him to come closer.

Jungkook snarled as the boy began to walk forward. The omega fell to his knees submitting to the strong alpha. Jungkook circled him slowly looking at the shaking boy. He nudged the boy's back signaling him to get up and make his way towards Jaehyun.

Jaehyun watched as the boy made his way in front of him, not daring to make eye contact. He could tell the omega was scared. He carefully reached out to lift the boy's chin.

"Look at me." The white headed omega finally met his eyes, and Jaehyun felt the air leave his lungs. He was sure this wolf was his mate.

"Mate.." The omega softly confirmed, a light blush spreading across his cheeks. Jaehyun smiled and nodded, "What's your name my pretty little omega?" This made the boy blush even more before looking down again.

"Taeyong, but you can call me Yongie if you'd like Alpha." The previously shy omega had a daring smirk on his face. Jaehyun took a step closer, their chests almost touching.

"Careful there pretty boy." Taeyong held his breath at how close the two were.

Jungkook let out a huff before starting to head back toward the forest. They wouldn't be raiding this pack, but they would be leaving with the future alpha's mate. It was tradition that the mate of an alpha would be taken back to the alpha's pack. Jungkook was happy his son had found his mate so early on, but he couldn't help his fears creep in. What would he do when his sweet little Haechan found his mate? Would he be taken away just like this little omega? Jungkook wasn't sure he or Taehyung would be able to survive not seeing their little sunshine everyday, and especially not after this past year.

"Alpha, I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry I am a disgrace to you." Taehyung wouldn't even touch Jungkook after the ordeal. Jungkook was forcing the emotionally distraught omega in his arms, making sure he wouldn't try to run from him again.

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