"Grape cookies!! Why not?" Kokichi Ouma X Short! Reader

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[Omg first oneshot, don't mess this up-]
You were sitting with your boyfriend, Kokichi. You loved him to pieces, but unfortunately he could be quite annoying sometimes. You swore, it was like you guys were already a married couple. Anyways, you were both on the couch facing the TV, watching Disney+. You seemed to be enjoying the movie, but Kokichi kept acting like he was bored. He'd play constant histrionics, often yawing or sighing very loudly during the quiet parts. It actually bothered you, especially when you were deadass crying over a character's death, Kokichi said "Borrrinnggg," very loudly. Now you had enough, you sat up and paused the movie. "Kokichi are you bored?"You asked, with an obvious annoyed tone in your voice. He smiled and said "Yes! Finally [Y/N] got it! Took you long enough, y'know?" You rolled your eyes. "Well how about we do something else then? Something that's not so boring" "Yeah, that's what I've been wanting this whole time. But you were too dumb to think of anything that would entertain me!" He shouted. He would often do things like call you dumb, but he never meant it, and you never thought anything of it, unless he goes too far. He'd only stop if he saw that you were truly hurt by his words, which you weren't! You shrugged "We could bake.." Kokichi's eyes lit up immediately. He jumped up from the couch and said "Yes, yes!! I would love that! See, now you're thinking!" He went to hug you very tightly, almost to the point where you couldn't breathe. "Okay, okay lets go bake now!!" You said, trying to break the hug, and it worked. He let go, and started running over to the kitchen, like an excited little child. You fallowed afterwards, walking at a normal pace.

Kokichi jumped up and down very excitedly. "Okay! Okay! Let's make cookies, I have the box right here!" He held it up, proudly in the air. You said "Alright, I'll set up the kitchen and get the bowl and spatula. You go make yourself useful and grab the ingredients since you have the box!" He nodded his head and went to the cabinet and fridge to search for the ingredients. You cleared off the kitchen table and went over to the kitchen cabinet to get a giant bowel for mixing. This wasn't your apartment, by the way, it was Kokichi's you were staying at, so you had no idea where he kept the bowels. You searched and searched before you eyes landed on one notorious place. All the way at the top of the kitchen cabinet. Way too high for you to reach. You'd need a stool! However, you stood staring at it. You decided to try and stand of your tippy toes and fruitlessly try to reach it with your short little arms. You started thinking. Does Kokichi keep stools in his house? Probably not..No wait! He has to! He's not much taller than me! Kokichi soon came back with all of the ingredients in hand. "Alright [Y/N] I'm re- hey! I thought you were getting the bowel!" You heard him say. You turned around and pointed to the top of the shelf to signal that you couldn't reach it. Kokichi stood there and blinked. "......... HAHAHAHA YOU CANT REACH THAT?? OH MY GOD YOURE SO SHORT BAHAHA" He stood there laughing like your height was the funniest thing ever. You cleared your throat a couple times before Kokichi calmed down. "Alright, alright, lemme show you how it's don-" he couldn't even finish his sentence, when he walked over to stand on his tippy toes and realized...he couldn't reach it either. Then you couldn't anymore and started laughing really hard. Kokichi looked annoyed at first, but eventually he began to laugh with you! It was really cute and that moment stays in your brain forever. After the two of you calmed down, you decided to grab a chair to successfully grab the bowel. Then you placed it in the middle of the table, and the ingredients surrounded it. Basically, I'll save you the reading time by saying that making the dough went pretty smoothly. When it came time to put it in the refrigerator, Kokichi went and became distracted elsewhere. You turned around and saw him standing on the chair again, but this time it looked like he was search the cabinet for something else. "Hey! What are looking for now?" You said in a motherly tone. He snickered to himself, making you wonder what the hell he was looking for. He then pulled out a small looking box and climbed down from the chair. You walked over to see what he was holding, before he very quickly hid it behind his back. "It's nothing.." he said in a very passing tone. As if it made you even more suspicious as to what he was hiding. Oh well, it didn't matter now. "Hey, mister bored-all-the-time. Why don't we go and finish my movie while we wait for the dough in the fridge?" You said, in order to get his attention. And also because you really wanted to finish your movie.

And there you two were, sat on the couch cuddling once more. Some time passed and you were nearly falling asleep until your phone's alarm set off and Kokichi didn't hesitate to break and cuddle and run into the kitchen. You fallowed slowly afterwards, considering that you accidentally almost fell asleep on the biggest ball of energy. But he was boyfriend and you still loved him. "Alrighttt time to check on the dough!!" He said as he pulled the bowel out of the refrigerator. You let out a yawn as he ran past you to the kitchen table and slammed the bowel onto it. "Hey! Careful, don't break it!" You said as you suddenly began to wake up. Kokichi rolled his eyes at you. "Yeah, whatever. Go get the flour and we can make cookies out of this!" You obliged. But while you were gone and distracted, he whipped out his little secret that he's been keeping from you. It was purple food coloring! Before you came back, he very quickly opened the bottle and spilled it all over the dough! He also attempted very fruitlessly to mix the dough and food coloring with his hands! But the dough was still very cold and hard to move, so all that resulted in were his hands becoming stained with all the food coloring. Once you came back with the flour and rolling pin, he began to panic internally but kept his cool. He quickly turned around and put his hands behind his back. You grew slightly suspicious, but also didn't think anything of it. You figured that he was up to one of his shenanigans again. That was until you walked over to the kitchen table, he threw his hands over you and gave you the biggest bear hug! You were very taken aback by this sudden move, and ended up dropping the rolling pin and flour, which happen to be open. So all of the flour began to rise into the air making you cough suddenly. "Kokichi! What was all that about?" He snickered "Nee-hee-hee! Oh [Y/N] you're so dumb sometimes, you didn't even realize that the back of your shirt is now stained purple!" Your heart dropped and you could barely let out a sentence.. "Wh-What do you mean...?" You choked out, and that was until he revealed his secret weapon. He lifted his hands for you see them completely stained with purple. That was it for you, you were actually mad at him. So much so, that you picked a ball of flour that was left on the floor and threw it in his face! He didn't expect it and actually went to throw up his hands in defense, but it was all too late. And you began laughing at his little scrunched up face, in an attempt to not get any flour in his eyes or mouth. He coughed and more flour came flying out of his mouth and that's when you fell to the floor, overcome by the amount of laughter that was taking over. Kokichi saw this and smirked. He pulled out a certain amount of cookie dough and molded it in his hands to form a ball. He then walked over to your laughing figure, still lying in the floor. Kokichi took this opportunity to sit on your legs and throw his ball of cookie dough in your face! You had to stop now that you've been attacked out of nowhere by cookie dough! Until you bursted out laughing again. Kokichi then started laughing as well.

What baking session this was supposed to be, now everything was a complete mess! Both mentally and physically. Well considering you two were having fun, anyways, that's all that Kokichi really wanted. He didn't actually want to bake anything, all he really wanted was to have a fun time with you and to see you smile. And it worked! His plan worked out well! And seeing you happy was sweeter than anything he could ever imagine. "Hope you enjoyed my grape cookie dough!" He spat out while you were still laughing. "I-... is that what the whole purple food coloring thing was about?" You questioned "Well yeah obviously! Everything is better with purple! Especially me!" You laughed again, until it was interrupted by one more thing. It was... a kiss. Kokichi leaned down to kiss you on the lips. "I love you [Y/N], don't you forget that.." his tone was more serious now, but you were still in a giggly mood, so you playfully responded back with "oh I won't! I promise!" He chuckled a bit before peppering your face with kisses. "Jeez you're silly! Oh well, it's cute anyways *kiss* and that's just how I like you!" He finished off, but not before you could shiver at the mess you two made. Jeez, well at least you had fun with your boyfriend. And maybe you two could play around a bit more before cleaning up...yeah that sounds better...
[well that was it, I hope you enjoyed it. As always you can leave your criticisms and requests down below! I'll read every single comment, and not be like other authors that leave their stories dead. Anyways I love you all so much! And bye bye for now! 💓]

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