"I.. I really like you.." Chiaki Nanami X Shy! Female! Reader

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Request by: @onigxri
A/N: Hope u like it 🥺👉🏻👈🏻 sorry it took kind of long, online classes just ended now, but ofc I have summer school in a week now 🙄 I'll try to get more posts out there, just because I feel like if I have more parts then people will want to read it and vote more, I know that if I come across a story and it only has 3 parts I usually don't read it. Idk what do you guys think? Also comment more requests! I'd be more than happy to do them, it just might take me a lil bit to get to it 💕 btw [y/t] means your talent

   You woke up from your dorm and began to walk to your usual morning class. Being the ultimate [y/t], you didn't really need to learn much from school, but you figured that you might as well get some learning done, just because you didn't feel like you really had anything else to do. From what you saw, most people would take the time to hang out with their friends or make new ones. That wasn't an option for you, you were way too shy to go up to someone and talk to them. Hell, you had trouble asking for a freaking napkin at a restaurant. You had vivid memories of literally having your mom order your food for you whenever you were forced to go out. Either ways all of the other students just seemed so much better than you. Akane was generally nice to you, she would always ask for a pencil from you, but you felt that she was much more in the popular crowd than you. Sonia was really pretty, and you were a little intimidated to go up and talk to her. Souda was kind of weird, because whenever you would try to talk to him he would often ignore you and fawn over Sonia instead (could you really blame him, though?). And you were way too scared of Gundham to even talk to him, so you felt like you had limited options, except for Chiaki. She was a different story, because you wished you and her could have a connection. She was just so adorable and charming, with her angelic voice and beautiful eyes. Something about her was just so...dreamy. You wanted, more than ever, to talk to her, but whenever you attempted you completely stumbled over your own words. It was embarrassing, because you know exactly what you want to say, but whenever you would try, it would always come out wrong. That wasn't until this happened..

   After class was over, everyone headed outside for break time, and as usual you sat alone at the table in the back. Well, until Hajime came up to you. "Hey, [y/n]!" You looked up at him, startled, because you were busy in a daydream, totally not about you talking to Chiaki. Of course Hajime came, he was probably going to steal Chiaki away from you. "Y-yeah..? What is it?" You questioned, wondering why he came up to talk to you. "Um, nothing really. You just seemed a little lonely, I was wondering you wanted to come hang out at my table!" He smiled brightly as you, trying to be nice. You got a little nervous, because sitting with a group of friends was everything you wanted.. but also talking to people was still kind of scary for you. However, you couldn't deny the fact that you were tired of sitting alone and not having anyone. Maybe this was your chance! After a moment of silence Hajime cleared his throat. "Well unless you don't want to, I guess that's fine. I was only-" "YES!!" You blurted out. Hajime looked surprised. Even you were surprised and suddenly felt the embarrassment of your social awkwardness. "I-I mean yes.. sorry.." You stated a tad quieter. Hajime blinked once..then twice, clearly stunned by your outburst. "It's fine.. it's fine.. Do you want to come along then?" He asked and you nodded your head. You then stood up and fallowed him over to his table. Sitting there was Chiaki, Gundham, Sonia, and Kazuichi. You gulped, these were the people you had the most trouble talking to! And now they're all here! You sat down hesitantly between Gundham and Hajime, and Hajime was next to Chiaki. You felt you cheeks heat up.. what was this? Was this...jealousy? Hajime introduced you to everyone, and you just sat there quietly.. you were still nervous.

   "Well it's very nice to meet you [y/n]! My name is Sonia!" Sonia smiled sweetly at you, and you felt more content when you finally talked to her. "I am Gundham Tanaka! Remember it well, human." You nerves jumped up again when you were finally in the presence of the ultimate breeder. "Gundham, must you introduce yourself like that every time? She's clearly already nervous, you mustn't scare her any more!" Sonia lectured Gundham. "Um.. hey, I'm Kazuichi!" Kazuichi greeted you. Wow, for once he acknowledged your existence. Then the only one left was.. Chiaki. How could you talk to her without messing up? "Hey, you probably know me already but I'm Chiaki Nanami. It's really nice to meet you." You froze a little. You didn't know what to say back.. Hey I'm [y/n].. no too basic.. Hey Chiaki, I already know you! Fuck no, that's makes you sound like as stalker! Um.. marry me? Ugh.. this whole greeting thing was hard.. While you pondered what to say back, Hajime and Chiaki just stared in silence. It wasn't until you realized that this whole thing was made awkward by... you! Oh shit, what do you do now! If you speak up now, it's gonna sound weird! Dammit, why does this always happen to you! You suddenly felt the sweat dripping down and everyone staring at you now. Dammit, dammit, dammit. Suddenly the heat of the moment pricked at your tears, and you suddenly felt them trying to come down. You had to hold it, but this was too much! You quickly got up from the table and ran off.

   You ran all the way into the girl's bathroom. Dammit! Why did this happen, this could've all been avoided if you weren't so stupid! You ran inside of a stall and slammed the door shut. You didn't think there would be anyone else in here, but alas your luck just got worse! "Hey..!" You heard the familiar voice of Akane, great.. fantastic. "S-sorry!" You said through tears. It was clear your voice was muffled up by your crying. "Hey, are you okay in there..? Mind if I come in?" She knocked on the door. You sighed and just decided to let her in. She walked in and saw your crying figure. "Hey.. what's wrong? What happened" She asked, sympathetically. You sniffed and tried to explain, but your words were all messed up because you were too busy crying in between them. "Chiaki...and everyone.. everyone staring at me.. and I'm an idiot..! And I couldn't.. I couldn't talk.. and-" your words were interrupted by Akane's hug. She was very gentle and almost.. motherly. "Hey it's okay.. it's gonna be okay.." She tried to comfort you the best way you could. Until the bathroom door opened again, and you heard another familiar voice. "[Y/n]? Are you in here..?" You heard Chiaki. You were still hugging Akane, but you looked too the side of her and saw Chiaki and Sonia. "[Y/n]! What happened? Are you okay?" Sonia asked worriedly. They both walked towards you two, and you let go of the hug and calmed down a little. "I'm.. really sorry.. about everything.." you apologized. "[Y/n] there's nothing for you to be sorry about, my dear!" Sonia told you. "You don't have to apologize for not answering, I just assumed you were thinking about what to say.." Chiaki said. You sniffled up again, but this time Chiaki came over to hug you. Life didn't feel real, your heartbeat intensified, but you didn't want to let go. "It's okay [y/n].." she said and it only made you want to cry more. Sonia and Akane watched, but Sonia got the feeling that maybe you should be left with Chiaki. She whispered to Akane, and then they both left quietly.

   After a while of you two hugging, Chiaki looked you in the eyes, you looked away shyly. "H-hey.. [y/n]..?" You looked at her again, and blushed. "Y-yes..?" You answered. "Um.. it's okay if you don't feel this way.. but I really want to be your friend.. and more, but I also don't want you to feel scared to talk to me. I wanted to ask you if we could.. go out sometime.." You blinked.. did she just.. ask you out. You obviously didn't want to keep her waiting, so you jumped up and said "Yes! Yes! I would love that!" You were blushing again, and also felt a little embarrassed. Chiaki laughed at your excitement, and she waited for you to calm down a little bit. She kissed your cheek and said "Great! Let's head back to the table!" You were so giddy with excitement, before you now turned to a blushing mess. She.. she freaking kissed you! Oh my gosh, this is amazing! You fallowed her back to the table, and now suddenly ready to actually talk to everyone!
Part two..? Welp that's it! Thank you all for reading, it really means a lot. Hope you like it.. and once again please comment things! As you know, only comment characters from V1, V2, and V3 and I'll be sure to get back to you! Bye bye! 💓

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