"I'm sorry... I love you.." Mondo Oowada X Shy! Reader

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Requested by: @Sitdownfool
[a/n]: I love mondo w/ my whole heart
I woke up in a cold sweat.. another nightmare...
its okay, its only a dream after all, I suppose, but I think I know the cause of them. It pains me to say it, but I believe it may be my boyfriend, Mondo Oowada. I love my boyfriend with all my heart but sometimes he scares me.. my dream was complete darkness.. but a lot of yelling just everywhere. It was extremely strange, but I quickly got over it to get ready for the day. Perhaps he was just having a bad week this time, I know he still loves me. Either ways, I did my usual, brushed my teeth, makeup,, whatever.. until I was interrupted by my door completely bursting open.


I screamed a little out of shock and held my arms up with my eyes closed tight, what was that?? I heard a commosion and finally opened my eyes.


It was Souda.. what was going on, here?

"That'll teach to harrass women!! Only a punk does that!"

Huh, Kazuichi must've been flirting with Sonia again. I guess I should break it up or something...

"Mondo, leave him alone!"


In that moment he hesitated, Souda immediately broke away from his grasp and left immediately.. I'd say 'good for him' but.. what about me? Mondo looked a little angry.. I'm not sure it was the right choice to help him or not.

"Y-you helped him??" Sweat started dripping from his forehead, and I could see the pure rage in his eyes. It wouldn't surprise me if he was seeing red either.. I was.. genuinely scared..

"Man, why'd you let him get away?? I was tryna teach him a lesson!"

Then I couldn't help it.. I couldn't keep it in... the look on his face, the dream, everything..
It was just too much.. I shut my eyes tight as the tears flooded out. At that moment, it was silent. Was he gonna yell at me again for crying? I shouldn't have been so weak, yet I couldn't help it. All these thoughts were suddenly put away the minute I felt two strong arms embrace me. I cried into his warm shoulder.. as I heard his voice, almost breaking like he was gonna cry. Mondo, crying? That's something you don't come across often..

"[y/n]... why didn't you tell me I was being too harsh..?"
I couldn't speak.. I was crying too hard, so all that came out was a hard sob.. he sighed

"Babe.. No matter what.. I love you.. more than anything.."
I sniffled.
"Never forget that okay?"

I nodded my head and looked up at him, my eyes still teary. He placed his hands on both sides of cheeks and wiped away my tears with his thumbs. Looking into his eyes already told me everything I needed to hear.. He went back to hugging me and kissed the top of my head. It felt like everything was safe again, and it remembered why I loved that man so much..
[A/N]: once again apologies for being gone forever 🙄
of course the next chapter I release is a super underrated character.. but whateves. My Kokichi chapters seem to be doing the best anyways, so should I release another kokichi oneshot as an apology?
Love you all, and thank you all for the support!!💓💓
[Edit]: omg rip i went off the plot🥲 I'll try to redo I promise!

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