"Sad? Not on my watch!" (Fluff) Kokichi Ouma X Sad! Reader

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[Hey love-and-affection-seekers, I am well aware I already did a little tickle story with Gonta + I got my first request, but goddammit I can't help but write cute shit for you guys, enjoy!]
   You lazily slumped on the living room couch. To put in small words: you were upset. You just failed three classes, even though you thought you were getting better. It's embarrassing to admit to anyone, so you decided to keep your mouth shut. Well... until one big ball of energy came to "lighten" the mood.

   "Hey, [y/n]!!....hm? Why the long face?"
He tilted his head in question. "Me..? Oh, OH! Nothing! I promise!" You pleaded in a fruitless attempt to get him to stop worrying. But of course the fuck he was gonna worry. "Geez [y/n] that sounds pretty sad to me.. pretty sad you think I'd buy that obvious lie! You really think I'd believe that?? We need to work on your lying skills.." You sighed in defeat and lied back down on the couch. It was no use, he wasn't gonna back off.

He sat down next to you. "So tell me, loser. What's with the angsty mood right now?" You rolled your eyes. "It's nothing.." you said. "Lies, lies and MORE LIES!" He jabbered on. "I'm serious!" You insisted. "Alright fine, well if it's nothing, then I guess it's nothing....PSYCHE" He grabbed your shoulders and flipped you on your back. "I'm gonna give you one more chance to tell me what the fuck is wrong! Or.. else..." he seemed to be a little bit angry this time...almost too angry.. was he really that mad? You teared up a bit, but you still persevered with lying rather than telling the truth. "Please...just... it's nothing.."

Kokichi sat up. "Alright..." he still looked down at you. "Then you asked for it.." he cracked his knuckles before... HE ATTACKED YOU... WITH TICKLES!!!! You began to cry now from the laughter rather than the pain! It was the best feeling, because you thought Kokichi was seriously gonna get mad but instead that was a lie! He wasn't mad, because all he wanted was you to feel better...and it worked! There he was on top of you tickling at your sides, it really was the cutest thing, too bad no one was around to witness it.

"Okay .... OKAY!! STOP NOW PLEASE!! HAHAHAHAHA" He brought out your ugliest laugh and you didn't mind it because you were having too much fun. "NEVERRR... I'll never stop..until you're happy!!! Ha ha ha!"

That kind of stuck with you. He did this because he cared about you...wow..
[Hey guys! Thank you so much for reading! Sending out virtual hugs and kisses to everyone out there that enjoyed this and voted for it!! It really means a lot 💓 Next stop: CHIAKI X READER]

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